Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Although based in Maidstone , they also have to provide a service to other prisons in the area and the problems posed by the over-stretching of this resource means that there is a limited impact on the prison .
2 Yes , you actually have to write the plan to fifty-five .
3 This takes a great deal of time , as we then have to give the draft to them , and they type it out and have it duplicated for the classes .
4 The discount factor used to calculate the present values of the redemption prices of the bonds is the yield to equivalent life , so we have to calculate the yield to equivalent life before we can calculate the equivalent life itself .
5 At that point you have to call a halt to it .
6 ‘ But first , ’ my mother said bravely , ‘ we have to get the key to the sea-chest .
7 Owners have to deliver the deceased to the cemetery which will also supply plaques or granite memorial stones costing from £40 to over £100 .
8 I have to pay a visit to the wholesaler , so I could drop you off and pick you up later to bring you back .
9 Chairman I think I have to offer an apology to members and Mr in particular and the town of Bungay with a rather erm over which sentence expressing the press release , I mean we are continually trying to issue news items , press releases , progress reports and anything we 're doing and usually the press are very good and quoted for a basis , sometimes they get it wrong and mangle it up with some bits of disaster , on this occasion that is not the case , the , the actual press report did determine the phraseology used in my in lease them so I have to accept the responsibility for the phrase to act of your recommended this morning so it down sake , could abandon ideas which they can buy it , of course those crazy ideas used in and out of the court is what matters .
10 I have to advise the information to the economic development panel which indicates from our survey that the report carried out last year by Consultants that the airfield , the runway in Hatfield makes only a very minor contribution to the economy of Hertfordshire .
11 That 's right , but first you have to elect a party to power for which bloodsport , and particularly hunting , is not sacrosanct and which represents more truly than at present the wishes of the people it governs .
12 Often we have to change the denominator to 10,100 or 1000 by division .
13 In particular , they must have forgotten the acts of violence through which it came into being ; and to be a nation , its inhabitants have to have a will to be a nation .
14 So the Americans , as well as not knowing fear , have to have an enemy to be afraid of .
15 Richard Buckley , a retired funeral director stated , ‘ Nothing says you must have a funeral director to carry out a funeral — nothing says you have to take a body to the crematorium in a hearse .
16 An advice centre in Sheffield which helps claimants apply for special needs entitlements , like bedding , said , " We apply but we often have to take the DHSS to a tribunal to get them .
17 Well , really , how to make a cup of tea is like the same thing as making a cup of coffee first you have to take the kettle to the tap , turn the tap on and fill up the kettle , then take the kettle back to the ma , erm , where you got it from and plug it into the wa wall .
18 Incidentally , one way to motivate yourself if things do get sticky is to imagine that you have to explain the subject to the class the next day .
19 We have to explain the world to Britain — and the various parts of the United Kingdom to itself .
20 One final point — sometimes you have to return a card to the manufacturer before the warranty becomes valid .
21 This is because they share their bodies with algae and have to bring the algae to the surface at low tides so that they can manufacture food .
22 If the patient can not walk or be transported safely to the kitchen or the dining room , you have to bring the food to him .
23 The instructions have to specify the accumulator to be used as well as the store address , giving some of the advantages of the two-address system without the long instruction format required to hold a second store address ; this technique has therefore sometimes been called the " 1½-address system " .
24 ‘ I have to make a call to Helsinki , ’ Newman snapped .
25 I think I have to make the point to you that we are planning to roughly double the size of the er airforce equipment programme er between now and the end of the century , a very substantial chunk of that is E F two thousand and its er associated weapon systems and , you know , one has to frankly , take er a view on priorities er in the light of the strategic requirement and given the er extent of the threat as we see it , the possibility of using er of taking part in out of area operations in coalitions , that kind of thing , that was the judgement we took er the medium term priorities were such that we could n't afford the first er stage of A M S A M.
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