Example sentences of "have [vb pp] into a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although the total proportion of diagnoses seems to be rising , the rise is steepest in those who historically have fallen into a high risk group — that is , woman aged 35 and older .
2 ‘ Since coming back from maternity leave I have plunged into a new area .
3 These are now telecast live , or slightly delayed , and have developed into a major part of the state-run television schedule on a Saturday afternoon — with the consequent spin-offs to the various sponsors .
4 Moscato , Gimbert , lock Mougeot and flanker Courtiols were hand-picked by wily talent scout Appriou three or four years ago and have developed into a formidable outfit .
5 Thieves have broken into an electrical shop and stolen several sophisticated radio scanners .
6 Only one or two skeletons , in their finery , have collapsed into a mouldering heap on the tiled floor .
7 You have left a place where you are loved and accepted and have come into a strange environment where you do n't belong to a family unit anymore .
8 The apostle Paul , answering the anxious questions of Christians whose loved ones had died , reminded them that Jesus ' own victory over death makes it certain that those who have come into a close relationship with him will share his new , full life which goes beyond the grave .
9 You have come into a classical company which makes sense of that training but what other ingredients do you think vital ?
10 ‘ You sound as if you have turned into a brainless ninny , like the rest of them , ’ Catherine said crossly .
11 Unisys Corp 's DCP line of Distributed Communications Processors for the 2200 mainframe line have moved into a new generation with launch of the DCP600 family of intelligent network processors , including fault-tolerant models .
12 A MUM and her three children have moved into a cardboard box to demand ‘ decent accommodation ’ from the Housing Executive .
13 Already we have moved into a darker , more specific and personal mood which is strengthened by the last chapter where the listener is brought closer to the poet to provide comfort for all the losses he has endured .
14 On some moorlands the chemicals which were washed down have solidified into a thin ‘ cement-like ’ layer , or iron pan .
15 Her lips have drawn into a thin line .
16 At a Conservative party meeting on 28 August , Amery noted that Horne ‘ on the whole agrees with me that we have got into a considerable mess and that the great thing is to extricate our people as soon as possible , ’ while Hailsham in his speech ‘ supported entirely what had been done but trusted that it would not last longer than two months — whereat loud cheers ’ .
17 Once you have got into an improvising state of mind almost any piece of furniture will begin to develop potential .
18 In Bharatpur , the competition between Rajiv Gandhi 's ruling Congress ( I ) party and the assorted forces of the anti-Congress opposition is so finely poised , and the pool of royal admirers so deep , that three prominent relatives of Maharajah Brijendra Singh have slipped into a democratic version of an old autocratic vice : the royal family feud .
19 You 'll often be able to turn the pension your contributions have brought into a bigger tax-free lump sum .
20 Never having shown the same propensity as the French for violent revolution , the dispossessed have entered into a complex ritual of action within the processes of the criminal justice system , and in doing so have encouraged those tasked with their containment to consider them as being less than human and therefore needing further control and discipline .
21 Compaq Computer Corp and Microsoft Corp came together in Washington yesterday to announce that they have entered into a comprehensive agreement to develop new products and markets and to make personal computers easier to use .
22 The general rule is that one tenant can not enforce covenants contained in another tenant 's lease , but there are a number of exceptions being mainly as follows : ( 1 ) Where a tenant has taken an assignment from the landlord of the benefit of a covenant entered into by a tenant of other premises ; ( 2 ) Where various tenants or their predecessors in title have entered into a mutual deed of covenant ( in which case each can enforce the covenants against the others ) ; ( 3 ) Where the estate has been laid out under a common scheme for building ( known as a building scheme ) and the leases have been taken pursuant to that scheme ; ( 4 ) Where there is a letting scheme , which is similar to a building scheme , but there need be no physical laying out of the estate .
23 where corporate information is revealed legitimately to an underwriter , accountant , lawyer , or consultant working for the corporation , these outsiders may become fiduciaries of the shareholders … [ they do not actively solicit or acquire inside information ] but rather they have entered into a special confidential relationship in the conduct of the business of the enterprise and are given access to information solely for corporate purposes .
24 In a written answer this week , the Secretary of State for Scotland has confirmed that , in advance of the local inquiry , he and the Scottish Office have entered into a commercial contract with the designated builders of the project .
25 This relationship is evidently not to be confused with a sexual relationship ; it is just that once you have entered into an artistic liaison of this intensity , the sexual shenanigans are likely to follow .
26 This is the first time 3 forces have gone into a joint exercise from the outset and I think we 'll see that example spread right across the country to the extent where eventually the whole country will be given police air support .
27 Virtually none of the people looked at in this demonstration have gone into an informal care setting where they are relying to a large degree on informal caring .
28 The cheated Maxwell pensioners wo n't let go of their money , and have mobilised into a vociferous force with a mission to get it all back .
29 ‘ As to not knowing me , I think we have fitted into a peculiar relationship very quickly .
30 They have drifted into a perpetual nap ,
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