Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have checked with a breeder and my Angel is a female .
2 First impressions , as you pass beyond the large tumbled blocks of Gendarme Ridge , is that you have stumbled into a quarry .
3 Scientists have stumbled across a chemical that caused Parkinson-like symptoms in six heroin addicts who were admitted , desperately ill , to the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 's neurology unit last summer .
4 Now that tax rates on income have fallen to a maximum of 40% , there is less incentive for individuals to buy low coupon gilts to take advantage of the tax-free capital appreciation .
5 Global ozone levels have fallen to a record low , according to measurements by NASA 's Nimbus-7 weather satellite .
6 An officers report to Monday 's committee says standards have fallen over a number of years .
7 In fact , Sparcbook sales were so good , Woan said , that OEM revenues have fallen as a percentage of group total to 37% in 1993 from 48% in 1992 .
8 In fact , Sparcbook sales were so good , Woan said , that OEM revenues have fallen as a percentage of group total to 37% in 1993 from 48% in 1992 .
9 To an extent educationalists have fallen into a pit of their own making .
10 We have fallen into an ageist trap and attempted to generalise and to stereotype .
11 It is estimated that they have fallen from a peak of £62 a square foot to £38 .
12 The horses trained by O'Brien for this public company have not fulfilled expectations and the shares have fallen from an issue price of 30p to 17p .
13 It says farm jobs in the EC 's 12 member states have fallen by an average of 2.8% every year for the past 30 years .
14 I have heard of a battle , of Myrcan fighting Myrcan , and many upheavals amongst the Rorim to the south .
15 , writes : TWICE in recent weeks I have heard of a character which sounds like Notre Dames and they say he was played in a film by Orson Welles .
16 For example , in at least one rural area , we have heard of a tendency for professional people to send their children to the nearby town or another village school if they feel their own village school is unsatisfactory . ’
17 I have heard of a café near the Opera , where , if you sit long enough , they say you can see the whole world go by .
18 Similarly , people tend to assume that if they have heard of a band , then they are probably worth going to see .
19 There may be others still under discussion — I have heard of a purchaser moving into his new house to find a circular on the doormat inviting him to support a protest against the erection of a 150ft BBC television mast within fifty yards of the house .
20 We have heard about a planet called Vadinamia , where our stolen phetam may have been taken .
21 ‘ But since Sir Charles died , I have heard about a number of things that seem to be supernatural .
22 Much less satisfactory , however , is the harsh rule that holds a writer responsible for unintentional defamation , where readers have jumped to a conclusion which was never intended .
23 The present war is the first war the people of this country have waged with a birth-rate below replacement level .
24 Some families require extensive help over a prolonged period to overcome long-standing emotional problems in the family which have culminated in a child who is failing to thrive or is obese .
25 Land prices in some areas have trebled in a year .
26 ‘ It 's the first time I have taught at a university .
27 Tonight the labourers have gathered at a friend 's house to discuss whether the new government will resolve their biggest problems like the lack of decent housing , running water and electricity .
28 The purpose of making notes is primarily to set out , in a shortened but logical form , information that you have gathered from a variety of sources on a particular topic so that it can be used for revision purposes and as an aid to memory .
29 I pay tribute to them tonight for the work that they have undertaken in an attempt to keep us aware of what is happening out there .
30 Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt said he expected the project to proceed , but did not say whether the government would take the unprecedented step of overriding the commission ; environmentalists have pressed for a tunnel to be built instead .
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