Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [pers pn] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 We have treated it as a subject , but at the same time a method , the principal method whereby education may achieve its ultimate aim of giving a wide outlook on life .
2 They have treated it as a cheap option , giving workers a minimum training and offering them the minimum resources and telling them to get on with it — basically because that 's good enough for the poor .
3 ‘ It 's extraordinary , most people have dismissed her as a hype-merchant who 's just good at working the system , but then she delivers something like this .
4 While commentators have dismissed her as a serious contender , those who worked intimately with the Prince and watched Mountbatten 's machinations at first-hand were convinced that marriage between Prince Charles and Amanda Knatchbull was a virtual certainty .
5 And whatever views the Exchequer Chamber may have had about their decision , succeeding generations have regarded it as the starting-point of a liability wider than any that preceded it .
6 In our answer to question 4 we have included it as a current account balance in order to reduce Susan 's exposure vis-a -vis Bob .
7 Some have seen them as a fine declaration of faith , but they are not .
8 Critics of LMS have seen it as a way of bringing about education cuts without blame being ascribed to either local or central government .
9 Bauer was to describe this process as ‘ a counter-revolution ’ and Roffman and Purdy have seen it as a matter of Hollywood turning ‘ to the Right ’ .
10 Americans I have known have seen it as a kind of Whitney , but that 's not really right .
11 They have seen it as an arrangement whereby some gain at the expense of others .
12 Whereas in America the unions have seen it as an intrusion on their rights to collectively bargain , even though they have n't been very active in trying to organise them themselves .
13 Some of the early sociologists regarded warfare as the means by which the first great step in social development — the expansion of human societies — was accomplished , while others have seen it as the principal factor in the formation of the state itself.4 It is evident that warfare has continued to be an important factor in these processes of expansion and consolidation of state power .
14 Having decided to show all the four seasons in one picture ( as opposed to other occasions when I have made them as a matching set of four separate pictures ) , I had to find a mount that would blend well with all the seasons and colours , so chose an earthy brown .
15 Bonar Law has usually received a bad press from historians , who have portrayed him as a hard , dour , humourless fanatic .
16 Many of Voight 's films have cast him as a none-too-bright but likeable hunk .
17 More important , although most Marxist thinkers have taken it as a model , it provides no reliable guide to future social transformations .
18 Usually , those who have espoused it as a goal have had little interest in the idea of equalizing all the pupils of a school or an educational system , or indeed all the people in a particular country .
19 This plaque and this tower and museum , we have dedicated it as a memorial to those days when you suffered severely yet still struck your targets .
20 Some have described her as a 1920s version of much-admired Kate Adie , who always appears to be in the thick of things wherever the action is !
21 It becomes less important to Picasso later on but it is something which is constant for Matisse and it has always been recognised by critics who have described him as a painter 's painter .
22 I have described him as a literary concept and this , as applied to a man in a dirty trench-coat moving in and out of sleazy beds and corrupt gambling dens , may seem to be rather excessive .
23 Commentators have described it as a ‘ Stalinist trial ’ , not only of Pavlović but also of others who hold similar views .
24 The partial ban has angered environmentalists and farm workers who have described it as a " cheap ploy " to allow Cheminova Agro to continue to produce 60 per cent of its current annual output of the pesticide .
25 Police have described it as a text book operation and are delighted with the result .
26 The police have described it as a miraculous escape .
27 Binoculars show that it is very highly coloured ; telescopically I have described it as an orange blob , quite unlike a normal star .
28 Experts have described it as the worst case to date of pesticide contamination in Britain .
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