Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [pers pn] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 When you 've made your gifts to the various museums , you have given them with the stipulation that none of the works of art may ever be sold .
2 Welcome to new readers who have joined us with the recent acquisitions of Argyll Services a London-based office and retail cleaning company , Wessex Hygiene Services who specialise in kitchen ventilation and convector cleaning in Bristol , Wiltshire and Somerset , and Rowland Compliance testing who take us into a new realm of contract servicing in circuit testing and maintenance of electrical appliances .
3 Since , however , the types of response given by these enquirers did not differ significantly from applicants , we have grouped them with the applicants for the purpose of the analysis .
4 The wording with which section 2 of the Homicide Act 1957 introduced diminished responsibility is rather unsatisfactory , but judges , counsel , doctors , and juries have approached it with a compassionate pragmatism rather than with the rarefied verbal analysis too frequently encountered in English criminal law .
5 You and I and Miss Watson have done it with a vengeance !
6 Even so , few companies have embraced it with the down-and-dirty relish of Converse — another spot features a girl getting the brand 's logo tatooed on her bottom .
7 Now all her hard work has been recognised by West Lothian Arts who have presented her with an Arts Individual Award .
8 You have presented me with the key , and I now perceive all of its hitherto latent beauties . ’
9 In effect , we have presented you with a prime site , and it 's up to you to decide what you want to do with it .
10 They have presented us with an extraordinary melange of figures which are hugely contradictory .
11 and as he 's done that the mates behind him have shot him with a real gun , his gone , his gone
12 Some people have had them with a solid roof
13 I was present at the sale and bought a set of Keesing 's Contemporary Archives which have proved invaluable though I have used them with the usual misgivings that accompany the enjoyment of a benefit which has been denied to others .
14 All Governments use guillotines , but no Government have used them with the frequency of this Administration .
15 But when you have equipped him with a wife — why , it will be in his interest to kill you ! ’
16 They have landed us with a society which grows increasingly barbaric and animal , in which amoral behaviour is considered the norm .
17 British exporters have been extremely successful and that is because the Government have provided them with the right framework for success .
18 But children grow up and as they reach twenty years of age , the rights and concerns which have provided them with an education , and their families with a range of supports , begin to fall away .
19 I have provided him with an adjustable heartbeat of around 100 . ’
20 These fish have provided me with a tank full of hardy , clever , colourful characters that are easy to care .
21 With you , Mr. Mayor , at the helm , I feel we shall be in no danger of a shipwreck , but I notice you have left nothing to chance , and for safety 's sake have provided us with a lifeboat ’ .
22 Men have provided us with a false picture of the world … not just because their view is so limited , but because they have insisted that their limited view is the total view .
23 The low waters of this summer have provided us with a superb opportunity for fish spotting and also for mapping the contours of the river bed .
24 Council have provided us with a table which shows that the present value of one pound per annum , payable for the next twenty five years , discounted at four point five percent is fourteen point eight two eight two one pounds , unquote .
25 It is true , certainly , that a number of workers who have investigated it with a view to debunking it were so impressed by the results which could be obtained with it that they became its champions instead of its detractors .
26 I do n't know Norman 's reaction to Fergie 's story but I can say they have left me with a bitter feeling .
27 You have fought me since our first meeting and finally you have left me with a rather wet and creased shirt , but I am not offended . ’
28 My dealings with the café owner have left me with the impression that he has got to breaking point with the number of canoeists being attracted to the Fairy Glen and has singled out a canoeist who happens to drive a red Escort van and has used this as an excuse for stopping other canoeists when the real reason goes much deeper and in my opinion is linked to financial gain .
29 The leaders of the main parties and the Darlington candidates have left me with the following impressions .
30 They have left us with a divided artist .
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