Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [conj] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have heard that a teacher from the Dyslexia Institute is being brought in to give advice to teachers here .
2 Tests have proven that a room where there is a reasonable amount of humidity will retain human impulses for up to four days in such vapour banks .
3 Too many people have forgotten that a bid , even one opposed by directors , is simply an offer to buy shares , not a struggle to the death .
4 Egg yolk lecithin ( phosophatidylcholine ) and cholesteryl oleate were dissolved in chloroform:methanol ( 2:1 ) and mixed together in a molar ratio of 25:1 as Forrest and Cushley have reported that a maximum of 5 mol% of cholesteryl ester can be incorporated into phosphatidylcholine vesicles .
5 By way of example , we have ascertained that a search on the industrial classifications listed below , using purely a sales criterion , revealed the following numbers of companies :
6 and she said you know , use as many as you can which which we have done and a lot of blank spaces on them !
7 We have seen that a contract made during an unsolicited visit is cancellable .
8 We have seen that a gas or vapour does not have a definite volume or shape .
9 We have seen that a defendant , to be convicted under section 14 must be proved to have known that the statement was false or to have been reckless as to its falsity .
10 The economists Clower and Leijonhufvud have argued that a distinction needs to be drawn between Keynesian economics and the economics of Keynes .
11 For years company pension schemes have argued that a pension fund surplus rightfully belongs to the employer — hence the proliferation of contribution holidays .
12 The people of Northern Ireland naturally and rightly reason that if what they have suffered at the hands of the southern-spawned IRA , they have suffered while a majority , how much greater would that persecution not be if they ever entered a state in which they were a perpetual minority .
13 According to Computerworld , IBM officials have hinted that a version for the RS/6000 workstation is a definite possibility .
14 JUDGES have decided that a Glasgow man had the right to resist arrest when stopped by police during a stroll in the park .
15 The systems of compensatory allowances and investment aids , and particular components of them , are major elements in determining whether or not agricultural changes damaging to the natural environment of the uplands have occurred but a range of other , sometimes unquantifiable factors ( e. g. land ownership patterns , hunting/shooting , traditions of husbandry and land management ) are also more or less relevant .
16 Thus we have verified that a transformation to a frame in free fall is always possible .
17 Reports have alleged that a punch was thrown during the altercation , but police are questioning players and spectators to discover exactly how Mr Lavelle sustained his injuries .
18 Surveys have shown that a majority of adult smokers want to give up the habit .
19 Studies on serum cholesterol levels in non-diabetics have shown that a degree of primary prevention of coronary artery disease is achieved by lowering serum cholesterol levels in high-risk populations of males with significant hypercholesterolaemia using diet and drug treatment ( The Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial , 1984 ) or diet alone ( Hjermann et al , 1981 ) .
20 Also , Perry et al have shown that a hydroxyl radical scavenger , DMSO , significantly reduced both Cr-red cell loss and the less sensitive index of gastric mucosal injury , I-albumin loss produced by ischaemia .
21 Studies have shown that a proportion of patients are willing to travel to receive elective surgery more speedily , but there is little evidence on this question in relation to other services .
22 The post-war governments , both Labour and Conservative , have shown that a minister with coherent , workable policies and reasonable energy and capacity can get loyal co-operation from his or her civil servants .
23 By using an accurate new index ( the Newcastle prescribing index ) to adjust for the effect of patient sex and age on prescribing in the North East we have shown that a practice age and sex demography does not explain interpractice variation in prescribing habits .
24 Die links have shown that a group of pennies in the name of the English King Aethelred II and mint names of Chester , Chichester , Lincoln , London and York were in fact struck at one place , which is not located in England but perhaps in Scandinavia .
25 8 months of excavations have shown that a ring of 65 post was driven through , probably supporting a screen which hid from the view the ceremony relating to the death of the victim discovered within .
26 In their May 29 communiqué , ministers said that " we have agreed that a study of NATO command structures should be pursued as a matter of urgency with the aim of streamlining and adapting it to the new situation " .
27 The Board have agreed that a copy of the completed Skills Checklist for each candidate ( showing only the Registered Student/Candidate Number and NOT their name ) must be submitted with all applications for Practical Examinations with effect from the 1st January 1993 .
28 Mrs Coates said : ‘ We have had a lot of support getting this set up , many local firms have contributed and a lot of people have given their free time .
29 I have found that a pair of Neons can yield around two hundred eggs in a spawning , but the number of fry raised can vary from twenty five to over a hundred .
30 We have found that a lot of newcomers to Spectra line have been confused by the very term ‘ sleeving ’ .
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