Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After about an hour when the pies and chips have stopped flying across the screen I notice a strange purple growth , like a cancer cell under a microscope , at the bottom left hand corner of the screen .
2 At the same time you may have reached the stage when your children are now independent , your mortgage is substantially paid off and you have stopped subscribing to a life assurance policy .
3 One bit of good news is that prices have stopped falling in the south — where CALA has 60 per cent of its sales and where the recovery is most noticeable .
4 Firstly pictures of their lead singer , Ben Volpierre Pierrot , have stopped appearing in the front sections of Sunday newspaper supplements captioned by bad puns on his name , and secondly the single from this album is all about leaving messages on an answering machine .
5 This is not to deny the discoveries that have been made , but to state that the purposes that have given meaning to the scientists ' pursuit of truth have been success in and the sustaining of the scientific establishment .
6 ‘ The fears that I have heard expressed about the possible negative impact on these groups are totally groundless , ’ he said .
7 Now , I have heard tell in the sultry dens of Freudianism that the psychological scar inflicted by this act of parental desertion frequently induces the daughter , when she is of an age to start questing for a swain , to seek a substitute for the departed archetype .
8 Policemen and women from all over Britain have gathered to protest over the controversial Sheehy report .
9 All accommodation listed within this guide consists of inspected properties and those who have undertaken to abide by the Tourist Board Code of Conduct .
10 Certainly you are obliged in this game which you have undertaken to play against the reader ( while at the same time telling a good story ) to state the physical circumstances necessary to unmasking the murderer .
11 The concern about declining councillor calibre embodies a bitter lament that a variety of changes have conspired to result in a situation in which there is now a less close and direct relationship between economic power , social status , and the political control of local government than was once the case in the Victorian age when local government enjoyed the leadership of businessmen and local notables .
12 The strongest activity has been at the bottom end of the market , where there is considerable pent-up demand from first-time buyers who have delayed buying over the past few years , for fear that house prices would fall further .
13 The Witches have received backing from the Speedway Control Board and the BSPA for their appeal to the Department of Employment over last week 's ruling to refuse a work permit .
14 It remains for us to ask how the popular Hitler image we have examined contributed towards the growing strength of the regime and towards making possible this war , which , from what we have seen , most Germans — though prepared to fight if necessary — had been only too anxious to avoid .
15 Many is the time I 've taken good fish , working the vane out across the wind by continuous adjustments to the line , holding back on the float etc. when others have sat waiting for the wind to swing around a couple of degrees .
16 And business executives have disliked travelling to a special studio .
17 This tradition happily has been continued by his successors whose duties have included presiding at the Annual General Meeting , an unpredictable , lively affair where it has been known for election to the Board to be determined by the toss of a coin !
18 Major deals over the past two years have included leasing for the new ethylene cracker ( a type of refinery ) for BP at Grangemouth , at that time thought to be the largest leasing deal in Britain , a £180m long-term facility to North West Water to finance major infrastructure projects , and a £75m deal with Fujitsu Microelectronics to fund investment in semiconductor equipment at its factory at Newton Aycliffe , County Durham .
19 In Barbados ( and other places such as Jamaica and Antigua ) , the wickets are fast and so the bowlers have traditionally bowled fast , while the batsmen have looked to attack at every opportunity , to hit the ball as hard and as gleefully as possible .
20 This activity has earned the gratitude and , indeed , the respect of hacks such as myself , who have come to rely on the OHE 's booklets and fact sheets and other publications as accurate and marvellously convenient source material .
21 I have come to appreciate over the years , however , that the extra material they provide makes a great safety net .
22 Alice said , " I have come to report on an agreed squat — you know , short-term housing — surely you know … "
23 This tax invoice now assumes many of the characteristics we have come to associate with an internal VAT invoice , for not only will it show the customer 's VAT number , it will also be used by the UK acquirer of goods from within the EC as evidence to recover acquisition tax .
24 The smaller projects lack the glamour that the American public and politicians have come to associate with the word ‘ space ’ ; and the larger missions are too expensive for NASA operating on a Reagan-sized budget .
25 There is , therefore , none of the fitful air of discontinuity about the Schrödinger equation which we have come to associate with the quantum world .
26 Therefore , it is against that back-cloth , that I respond to these orchestrated criticisms and express my views on the man I have come to know as a friend and a very good colleague .
27 Or again , it is as though the disorganized and random bursts of photons present in a beam of white light were suddenly all being accelerated and agitated to precisely the same frequency and directed at the same spot — to produce the awesome source of energy that we have come to know as the laser .
28 Professor Davis noted that the industries which expanded before 1780 did not transform themselves in the dramatic way we have come to know as an industrial revolution .
29 If they have come to rest through the act of sale to a stranger then , what was their price ? , and , in what currency were they purchased ?
30 Under Felipismo , Spaniards have come to depend on the state again , as they did for so long under Generalissimo Franco 's regime . ’
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