Example sentences of "have [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The interesting question , in the present context , is how far these can be coordinated with familiar pedagogic techniques , thereby bringing research within the compass of normal teaching ; or , in more general terms , what implications does work on classroom observation have for developments in teacher education ( see Allwright 1988 ) .
2 The reasons women have for concern about fitness and health are often multiply overdetermined .
3 The only hope we have for intervention in pop is as a visitation , a bolt of strangeness , something whose point is to be undecodable .
4 One of the important features of museum collections is the function they have as touchstones of quality and authenticity .
5 So the rules and conventions which set these limits are effectively , if paradoxically , the surest guarantee we have of freedom of thought and action .
6 opinions and principles like [ Wilde 's ] have from time to time manifested themselves all down the course of history , generally in over-ripe civilisations wavering on the brink of decay .
7 That is why soldiers called Metaxas and Papadopoulos have from time to time felt obliged to step forward and try a spot of military dictatorship .
8 General Portfolio B P Pitney Bowes over the years have from time to time provided us with funding
9 A few university colleagues … have from time to time shown some loss of nerve .
10 But this issue has not been the subject of legislation , nor previously been considered by this court or the House of Lords , and in such circumstances the alternatives are either to dismiss the appeal despite the relevance of article 10 and wait for Parliament to reconsider the state of the law ; or , as the courts have from time to time demonstrated their ability and willingness to do , venture into relatively unchartered waters and declare the present state of the law .
11 With intent to make the Love of Gardening more general , and the understanding of it more easy , I have from time to time published Catalogues , containing large Variety of Trees , Plants , Fruits , and Flowers , both Foreign and Domestic , cultivated by me for Sale . ’
12 Many of the cases which have from time to time been relied on in support of the High Trees doctrine are clearly examples of only the first principle .
13 I then zealous to understand I I er , er , erm sought it Statutes , Volume thirty-three nineteen ninety three edition and studied most carefully pages six hundred and seventy-five to six hundred and seventy-seven and there I found an account of what has happened to Sections two and three and also for the first time light was shed upon Section two A. My Lords , I have from time to time ventured to express some doubt as to whether our legislative procedures were as excellent , as I 'm sure Your Lordships would wish them to be and when I recently suggested in the most mild terms to Her Majesty 's Government that they might consider some form of enquiry into our legislative procedures to see whether as they were as high class as they should be , erm I was given a very negative reply the clear influence of which was that the our legislative procedures could not possibly be improved and My Lords I do really think with respect that that is a proposition which is open to doubt .
14 Any curriculum innovation of such far reaching design as we have in Scotland at present will inevitably influence the whole life of the school .
15 We killed 9 Manura [ sic ] superba 3 of which I have in brine for dissection , 2 for skeletons , the rest in skin , a pair of which with several other fine birds I intend for Lady Franklin .
16 For instance , if you have chosen colours that are suitable for a pink picture , you should pick out all the flowers that you have in shades of pink , and perhaps white as a contrast , plus some green or grey leaves , or a combination of the two , and some small feathery pieces to soften the outline .
17 Of course , if conventionalism were just the semantic theory that the phrase " legal rights " should not be used to describe rights people have in virtue of consistency in principle , then a conventionalist judge could indeed take a lively interest in that form of consistency under a different description .
18 I would also add to that that I think such work would help us in terms of targeting more effectively the existing resources we have in terms of service delivery .
19 Les on the rigged markets , and I think this go goes to the heart of the problem in relation to the difficulties that we have in relation to coal , the problems in relation to pits , and everything in relation to the whole campaign and what we need to campaign in relation to erm er energy policy and this is absolutely crucial not only for our members within the Energy and Utility Section but for our membership and for their families throughout er throughout the country .
20 What do Durex , Valium , and Cornflakes have in common with electricity and coal ?
21 If the purpose of that is to transform attitudes to training , what effect will the lead handcuff clause that he proposes for the training contract have on attitudes to training ?
22 The prospectus is almost a written specification of what you have on offer at school and its preparation deserves a great deal of careful thought .
23 The different access that people from different social class origins have to resources in retirement is a major determinant of who can and who can not provide for themselves in old age .
24 Defaults in non-financial sector mean that financial institutions have to provision against loan losses .
25 Table 5 indicates the best available information I have at time of writing .
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