Example sentences of "have [be] [noun pl] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And indeed we might say that the very greatest soldiers — Joshua , David , Alexander — who lent me one of my Christian names — Caesar , of course , our own great Alfred — the only king we call Great — Edward — and we could extend the list into the present — all have been scholars in some manner .
2 They have worked together and have been friends for some time .
3 They have been members of some very dodgy Latvian old-pais club but nothing else is known .
4 There have been concerns for some time that IBM Corp was fast running out of cash — the UK subsidiary was reportedly ordered to factor its receivables by its parent at the end of last year after it ran out of cash for its operations , hardly a cheap way of borrowing for a blue chip company , and the Reuter report that it and IBM Credit Corp are seeking $4,600m of revolving credit in the international syndicated loan market ( see page seven ) , seems to confirm it ; at least one source told the news wire that IBM is trying to keep the arrangement very quiet , presumably to avoid generating more alarm than there already is about progress of its business .
5 A recent study by the North London Polytechnic shows that about 27 per cent of men have been victims of some unwanted sexual contact before they are 18 , compared to over 50 per cent for women .
6 CRIME-HIT small firms are demanding more powers for the police and courts today after a survey found that almost 50pc of them have been victims of some sort of crime .
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