Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that players like Igor Shalimov , Aleksandr Mostovoy , Valery Shmarov and Vasily Kulkov have since moved to the west , but their 5-1 success away to Luxembourg 's Avenir Beggen this season shows Spartak can still threaten away from home .
2 ‘ In approaching the wife 's defence I have regretfully come to the conclusion that the judge has overlooked two critical points of distinction between her case and that of the husband .
3 When you say , " Do you understand me ? " , you are really asking if you have successfully communicated to the other person what you had in mind .
4 This has undoubtedly led to the enrichment of specific rural and urban groups in the Third World , those who have successfully adapted to the changing demands of the global marketplace , but it has also resulted in many Third World countries losing their original self-sufficiency in food and becoming highly dependent on food imports from the First World .
5 Traders at securities houses have long argued to the SEC that they need access to information about the current credits of the companies whose debt they are trading .
6 White people with money have all moved to the suburbs .
7 Blairgowrie , Largs and Aberdeen have all applied to An Comunn Gaidhealach to stage the event .
8 Markets in Mexico , North Africa , south America and Indonesia have all contributed to a colourful jumble ; the tall red whirlygig in the sitting room , for example , comes from Brazil .
9 These have all contributed to a growth in campaign spending .
10 The logic of party competition , regular electoral successes by socialist and social democratic parties , rational administration and the control it gives party elites over the state machine have all contributed to the degree of centralization in liberal democracies .
11 Although the Christian faith is no longer at the heart of the culture of this land , and the Church is peripheral to the lives of many people , mid-twentieth-century British composers such as Vaughan Williams , Walton , Britten , Berkeley , Mathias and Leighton have all contributed to the choral repertoire .
12 Coffee mornings , fancy dress events , a lads versus lasses football match , discos and other sponsored efforts have all contributed to the appeal .
13 Jobless growth , changes in the composition of the workforce , increased ‘ flexibility ’ of labour 's terms and conditions , have all contributed to an economic revival which has had minimal benefits where these are needed most .
14 The weather , geography , altitude , geology and the vegetation of both the surrounding land and wet environment have all attributed to an animals evolution over thousands of year .
15 Memoirs , prestige lectures and academic treatises have all added to the argument .
16 The sale of council houses and flats , the soaring costs of capital projects in the 1980s , the loss of accommodation provided directly by employers ( for example , farmers and hoteliers ) , the increasing need for single-person or small-number occupancy dwellings for young people and small family units , have all added to the numbers of people without a home of their own .
17 It is noteworthy , however , that both the British and French governments , with their much smaller nuclear forces , have apparently stuck to a declaratory policy of targeting Soviet cities , and have not made statements repudiating purely anti-population strategy in any way comparable with the 1983 US statement quoted .
18 Reformers attacking the subordinate status of women have naturally appealed to the idea of equality , because it was already recognised as a proper and powerful tool of reform .
19 I have personally written to the chairmen of the country 's 100 largest companies urging them to regard prompt payment as a matter of best practice .
20 However , events have only moved to the present position as a result of the intransigence of the school 's management , and the reluctance to listen and respond to the concerns of a large number of parents .
21 But , with the exception of image processing systems ( see p 62 ) , computers and the documents they generate have only added to the printed matter which covers most desks : even today 95% of business information is paper-based , and every year millions of working hours are wasted just searching for information .
22 We have constantly referred to the ‘ environment ’ , ‘ circumstances ’ or context in which language is used .
23 We have constantly stressed to the Kenyan Government the need to respect freedom of expression and the important outlets for legitimate dissent .
24 Having denounced the election as a ‘ stinking farce ’ designed to hand Cambodia over to Vietnam , they have suddenly warmed to the democratic ideal and are now denouncing the CPP for resisting the result .
25 Antiracists have rightly pointed to the limited nature of multiculturalism 's focus on prejudice and attitudes , and its strategy of prejudice reduction by teaching about ‘ other cultures ’ .
26 On the other hand , if the reality is that you have mutually agreed to the ending of the contract , then you will not be entitled to dismissal rights .
27 Now they have finally agreed to an Ulster Branch request for an evening fixture and will fly into the province immediately after wrapping up the English part of their trip on the previous Wednesday .
28 We have already pointed to the way in which stratification may well inhibit the full development of talent in a society as a result of inequality of opportunity , which inevitably means that a stratified society is not utilising its talent resources fully .
29 I have already referred to the passage of the Qur'an where God is described as ‘ the light of the heaven and the earth ’ .
30 Going ahead with Sizewell might then be a marginally attractive proposition on economic grounds though given the risks I have already referred to the case would hardly be overwhelming .
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