Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More recently , however , a variety of factors have rather changed this state of affairs and encouraged the search for a third road to socialism .
2 It is true that most jobs have clear cut educational requirements , such that employers assume workers lacking them to be ipso facto unqualified .
3 ‘ Queen Margaret believes , ’ he continued , ‘ that her husband was murdered at Flodden by a member of Les Blancs Sangliers who have since waged continuous war against those who advised her late husband , such as Selkirk and Ruthven . ’
4 Coming to London as a young clerk attached to the Board of Trade , it was not long before he began to take an interest in political affairs , and his remarkable gift for public speaking was developed at the old Battersea Parliament , to which belonged many men who have since played important roles in public life … including Stanley ( now Lord ) Buckmaster , John Burns and Horatio Bottomley … .
5 Mr Rabin said their exile would curb violence , but Israelis have since killed 69 Arabs and Palestinians 12 Israelis .
6 Right er number four er the National Entertainments Conference organized by the N U S. I have since secured some money from Executive Committee to send two representatives to this Committee , and it 's in the last week of the summer holidays .
7 Two members of the French side were given their marching orders and have since received substantial suspensions .
8 They certainly do not justify Geoffrey Cowley 's absurdly optimistic claim in Newsweek that , ‘ They have since dispelled any doubt that apes can really understand signs ’ ( Cowley 1988 : 54 ) .
9 It is not certain that Warrington , best remembered as Philip in Rising Damp , actually swallowed the medicine , but his performances have since had great zest .
10 The school was Summerhill , run by A. S. Neill , whose revolutionary views on education have since had considerable influence on modern teaching methods .
11 I have since tried other patterns doubled and some look really super .
12 MOVIE chiefs have secretly asked veteran Sean Connery to pick up his old gun as 007 James Bond .
13 no , I , there 's get , a little confusion coming into this case I think , I 'm not blaming anybody , as I understand your case Mr as put to er as put to Mr , you have expressly disavowed any suggestion to this witness that there was any deliberate attempt to deceive any prospective purchaser
14 There have also been a few cases where junior members have successfully challenged senior colleagues in contests for sub committee chairmanships .
15 Departments are alive , however , to recent developments in language work and have successfully integrated new ideas and procedures into the traditional course structure .
16 Opposition has been muted and sporadic except from the farmers who have successfully extracted high levels of compensation for land taken over for Tunnel purposes .
17 Thus executives have successfully prevented most forms of cancer from being included in the list of occupationally-induced illness , even though the documentation on carcinogenic work environments is substantial ( Epstein 1979 ) .
18 ( Ed 's note : We have successfully used carefully-cut sections of Crystal Clear carbon impregnated filter mat as a substitute for brief periods . )
19 We have successfully recovered ds DNA fragments as small as 120 bp .
20 Congratulations to all those teachers who have successfully launched new classes this autumn .
21 Sex-blind treatment appeals to women 's self-respect , and is fine for those who have successfully seized new opportunities in education and the labour market , but as long as equal treatment extends only to paid work , it does not give proper recognition to the contribution and needs of most women .
22 Two other US giants , Intel and Texas Instruments , have successfully sued Korean chipmakers Hyundai and Samsung respectively .
23 Until now , I have unfalteringly exercised that choice to postpone motherhood .
24 Bitter experience or willing enlightenment have thankfully induced new attitudes .
25 By thus consenting they form one body politic and it is implied in the contract that the majority have the right to conclude for the rest and let me quote for when any number of men have by the consent of every individual made a community they have thereby made that community one body with a power to act as one body which is only by the will and determination of the majority it being necessary to that which is one body to move one way a single body ca n't move in two opposite directions simultaneously .
26 They have thereby developed few class allegiances and few commitments to large-scale theories about how society is , or should be , organised .
27 I have rarely heard such stability and depth of image from a moving-coil loudspeaker and these are factors which applied , moreover , across a remarkably wide listening area .
28 ‘ I have rarely seen such elegance , such grace of line , such sobriety of colour . ’
29 I have rarely met two Ministers who take more trouble to carry out the duties of their ministerial office .
30 In grass marsh breeding densities are not apparently very high ; even in very favourable areas counts have rarely exceeded 20–30 pairs per 2,500 acres ( 10 sq.km. ) , and are often less .
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