Example sentences of "have [adv] [be] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They share the fact that they have all been of limited duration but , within that framework , one has been concerned with local skills training , four have involved modules contained within honours degree courses ( Typography and Graphic Communication , Library Science , Publishing and Computer Science respectively ) and one has been at postgraduate level .
2 There are many people who come into English-language teaching without having passed through formal pedagogic processes , so that when they are confronted with the terminology of the subject , they may be at a disadvantage to those who have already been to teacher-training college or who have a university degree in linguistics .
3 Completed in July 1991 , it now houses our colony of nine chimpanzees , who have not been on public display for over two years .
4 ‘ Pray think of a right man wt out regard to recommendations , which hitherto have not been of great service to me in the like cases , ’ the duke suggested .
5 In April 1765 Collinson wrote , ‘ I have the pleasure to inform my good friend that my repeated solicitations have not been in vain , for this day I received certain intelligence from our gracious King that he has appointed thee his Botanist with a salary of fifty pounds a year . ’
6 A Mersey Docks and Harbour Company official said : ‘ They are quite old , and have not been in regular use in recent years . ’
7 A spokeswoman for Mersey Docks and Harbour Company said : ’ They are now quite old and have not been in regular use in recent years so it was decided to dismantle them to improve the appearance of the area .
8 To take this initiative and extend it to include a range of interests which they can use , whether or not they are employed in the future , might help them to be on a more equal footing with their peers who have not been in public care .
9 In Britain public examination results have always been of internal interest to schools , although they have been used as only crude indicators in evaluating a school 's performance .
10 Conflicts of both interest and duty are not new to the City of London ; indeed , they have traditionally been of great concern to financial market regulators .
11 The personnel to run literacy and adult education programmes have also been in short supply .
12 ‘ The finest views are from the bottom , and at some places a little above it , but few dare venture to the bottom particularly those females whose pedestrian excursions have chiefly been upon level ground ; nay the male sex are often appalled with a view of the way , and many a Bond-street gentleman , in his stable costume , would rather hazard his neck four-in-hand , than risk it by having his arms precariously supported by the twigs and branches he may find in his way to the gulph below . ’
13 In a fabliau called La Saineresse , " The female blood-letter " , for instance , the deceptive actions performed by the deceiving character are actions entirely of speech , as a wife who has had sexual intercourse with a man her dull-witted husband believes to be a female blood-letter describes her act of illicit fornication to her duped and satisfied husband entirely in metaphors : ( Sir , thank you by the love of God , I have indeed been in hard labour .
14 After all , it 's not everyone who has a private view of paintings worth £100,000 — a lot of money in those pre-war , pre-inflation days — but which have never been on public view .
15 ‘ I have never been in rural ministry , ’ Daniel said .
16 Bradshaw and Miller 's work has shown that a substantial proportion of single mothers have never been in full time employment .
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