Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I , I do think they have rather gone over the top .
2 Darlington police have since apologised for the mix-up .
3 It is true that players like Igor Shalimov , Aleksandr Mostovoy , Valery Shmarov and Vasily Kulkov have since moved to the west , but their 5-1 success away to Luxembourg 's Avenir Beggen this season shows Spartak can still threaten away from home .
4 I do not know how many men have since gone over the same wall , but there have been several even recently .
5 Critics have since commented on the paradox offered by a Secretary of State sharply defining two categories of higher education — the one more theoretical and academic than the other — in the same year as he was energetically destroying similar categories in secondary education .
6 I have since heard of a Roman Catholic nun who was also a doctor , who was allowed to train part time to fit in with her religious duties .
7 The record-keeping and office procedures implications of the Modular Course when it started in 1973 with an intake of 75 students were modest but have since grown with the Course .
8 I have since learned of the curious way in which that provision came to be inserted .
9 I have since worked as a staff nurse for a number of years and , with Project 2000 coming on stream , felt that the nurse education system would have improved .
10 We have since learnt from an unreliable source that Arlo is so named because Mr and Mrs Bez were trying to work their way through a baby 's name book and got bored with it by the end of the ‘ A ’ section .
11 Bankers are generally in a position to make specific conditions for providing finance and so have little need for the audit , abbreviated accounts filed 10 months after the year end are of little value to trade suppliers and customers , and the Revenue 's reliance on audited accounts is ‘ largely illusory ’ , the Institute says .
12 ‘ In approaching the wife 's defence I have regretfully come to the conclusion that the judge has overlooked two critical points of distinction between her case and that of the husband .
13 I have mostly worked as a researcher , writer or teacher .
14 Where the parties have not only required a step to be taken within a specified time but have expressly provided for the consequences in case of default , this provides an indication , of greater or less strength , that time is to be of the essence , but it is not necessarily decisive .
15 Our marketing agency , Faulds , were asked to take three very powerful messages from our existing messages from our existing product range and develop advertising that was easy to understand and humorous — an approach which building societies have successfully adopted in the last few years .
16 First division sides receive around £13,500 Courage assistance , but Sudbury and Askeans have successfully called for a new look at the way the money is divided .
17 When you say , " Do you understand me ? " , you are really asking if you have successfully communicated to the other person what you had in mind .
18 We have successfully pressed for an EC ban on the importation of baby seal products and of furs from those countries which permit leghold traps .
19 This has undoubtedly led to the enrichment of specific rural and urban groups in the Third World , those who have successfully adapted to the changing demands of the global marketplace , but it has also resulted in many Third World countries losing their original self-sufficiency in food and becoming highly dependent on food imports from the First World .
20 We have successfully come through a war .
21 Well they might be , because they have most to gain from the creation of a single European currency and political union .
22 The criteria for deciding whether the banks would support an application for funds led many banks to the conclusion that , if a case warranted support , the government 's guarantee was superfluous , as a good business proposition was worth considering anyway — some have effectively withdrawn from the scheme .
23 Is the Minister aware that an Essex GP is calling on national health service hospitals in the Mid-Essex health authority to boost incomes by carrying out privately , in pay beds , procedures that they have effectively banned from the NHS ?
24 Services for people who drink alcohol to excess or who misuse drugs have long suffered from a lack of clarity about what the exact nature of the problem is .
25 Lastly , the opponents of drainage schemes have long complained about the secrecy with which the Ministry of Agriculture and the water authorities have shrouded their calculations , together with their almost universal resistance to public inquiries , which are now a normal part of the process of consultation preceding road and reservoir schemes .
26 Their governments have long depended on the fat income their oil reserves reliably gave them .
27 Environmentalists , who have long campaigned for a single agency , have expressed their concern that the plans for the reform of the Inspectorate amount to little more than political opportunism and will have little real impact .
28 Lessons have been learned , but conservationists have long campaigned for a rethink .
29 IN their newsletter , Musselburgh have long campaigned against the influx of foreign players into club rugby .
30 Historians have long argued about the ‘ rise ’ of this group , but basically it was the collective experience of nearly fifty individual families who became the pacesetters of Elizabethan Sussex .
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