Example sentences of "have [verb] that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Brisk sales of Loblaws ' non-chlorine bleach diapers and sanitary napkins have proven that eco-sensitive consumers will switch their buying habits in favour of the environment .
2 Conservation organisations have claimed that increasing quantities of rare wildlife have been hunted and sold as exotic pets , food and medicine both in Thailand and abroad .
3 Nature conservation authorities in Kazakhstan have claimed that large areas of once productive land are now littered with detritus such as burnt out rocket stages , and that the soil has become contaminated soil with toxic substances .
4 However , studies by Gill Aslett and Joan Blyth and several more recent investigations have stressed that young children need to be trained to " read " pictures .
5 Some observers have noticed that domestic cats , when hunting small birds in the garden , appear to be amazingly intelligent in one particular respect .
6 We have said that nationalized industries should price at social marginal cost , but should this be short-run marginal cost ( SMC ) or long-run marginal cost ( LMC ) ?
7 In another study , researchers have said that premature babies are more likely to suffer from breathing difficulties in childhood than youngsters born after a full-term pregnancy .
8 The president and the parliament are struggling for power , but both have said that individual savers will be compensated for the ravages of inflation .
9 We have seen that young children have considerable understanding of intentions , and of the relationships between intentions , actions and results .
10 I have seen that concrete blocks are cheaper to use for a garden wall ; would you recommend them ?
11 So far , then , we have seen that inner cities clearly suffer from very severe problems .
12 We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully " designed " to have come into existence by chance .
13 We have seen that indirect taxes are more regressive than direct taxes .
14 With respect to the first , we cited commentators who have argued that temporary jobs , by providing experience of recent working , increase an unemployed person 's competitiveness on the labour market .
15 Economists and others who have considered the human capital notion over the years can be divided into two groups : those who have argued that human beings increase national wealth ; and those who went a step further to argue that improving the quality of human beings through health , education and other services increases their productivity as labourers and hence adds to the national wealth .
16 Let me add that , in taking recent decisions concerning rural areas , the Home Office has almost invariably supported those who have felt that rural courthouses should be kept open .
17 They have always had a certain macho image and reasonable new prices have ensured that residual values are sensible .
18 We saw earlier how subject specialists ( for instance , working in museums ) can provide analytical outlines upon which the teacher can draw ; we have seen how the very objectives underlying resource-based learning include an understanding of the skills teacher-librarians have till recently taught alone ; we have hinted that other ancillaries will , in their work , help the teacher not only to achieve his objectives but also to modify and even enlarge them .
19 The powers that be have decided that various lists have to be drawn up , including one of all those who survived .
20 But we have to remember that human needs are diverse .
21 Several studies have shown that diabetic platelets synthesise increased amounts of thromboxane A 2 as assessed by thromboxane B 2 levels ( Ziboh et al , 1979 ; Butkus et al , 1980 ; Lagarde et al , 1980 ; Halushka et al , 1981b ) .
22 Unfortunately , recent reports , such as A growing problem by the British charity Oxfam , have shown that multinational companies sell dangerous pesticides indiscriminately in the Third World , In some cases they are promoted through misleading advertising to largely illiterate farmers .
23 A number of independent research studies carried out in California , Massachusetts , Hawaii and London have shown that moderate drinkers have a lower mortality rate than total abstainers and are less likely to suffer from coronary disease .
24 Studies by BGS have shown that increased concentrations of sulphate in pore waters beneath trees , though mostly of little consequence , can in some circumstances result in metals such as aluminium being leached into shallow groundwater , which could have potentially serious consequences where these waters are used for drinking .
25 Experimental studies on birds and fish have shown that male ornaments can be favoured by female mating preferences .
26 Once again no-one knows why , or if one woman is the ‘ leader ’ , but experiments have shown that male pheromones influence women 's periods too .
27 However , several other studies have shown that successful breeders live longer ( Drosophila melanogaster : Partridge & Farquhar , 198 1 ) .
28 However , we have shown that mental models have a role in the interpretation of ellipses , and that a surface representation is used to interpret pronouns .
29 They have shown that mental processes can be correlated with specific neural changes .
30 Experiments have shown that closed sprinklers in racks are not very effective in stopping the upward spread of the fire , owing to their relatively slow response to the radiant heat from columns of hot gases or flames rising near to but not over , them .
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