Example sentences of "have [verb] for the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Tebbit , the ex-party chairman and MP for Chingford , asked Mr Hurd ‘ whether the pledge that we have given for the last four general elections , that there would be no further large-scale immigration , still stands or not ? ’
2 CHURCH collections have fallen for the first time for more than a decade , it emerged today .
3 Average property yields have fallen for the second consecutive quarter to 9.2pc , according to property agent Hillier Parker .
4 COT deaths in England and Wales have fallen for the third consecutive year , Government figures revealed yesterday .
5 But when the money runs out and they ca n't afford to pay for any more care patients have to wait for the next financial year .
6 In Birmingham , the dealers have gathered for the 11th British Antiques Fair ( Thursday to the following Wednesday ) , while over the Border , there is still time to catch Pen Panting 's second one-man show , at the Glasgow Print Studio .
7 COT deaths in England and Wales have dropped for the third year in succession .
8 Paul and Sarah Davison retained the junior doubles title they have won for the last two years .
9 Dozens of children who survived a rare blood disorder have met for the first time at a special party .
10 I am afraid that while this ban is in force my wife and I will not be trading in Darlington as we have done for the last 20 years .
11 Such a myth is integral to the salient cultural paradigm of our times and which we have possessed for the last three centuries .
12 In 1816 , the year Davy 's lamp was introduced , J. H. H. Holmes , a mining inspector , published a book containing ‘ accounts of the explosions from fire damp which have occurred for the last 20 years ; their causes and the means proposed for their remedy and for general improvements of the mining systems by new methods of ventilation . ’
13 We have shown for the first time an inhibition of in vitro CCPR in normal and premalignant human rectal epithelium by vitamin D and its metabolites .
14 no , no , my Lord I have raised for the first time the board minute
15 In the village I have known for the last 10 years , they openly regret that things were better under Marcos .
16 In spite of the occupations I have followed for the last thirty years , shreds of science remain .
17 ARSONISTS have struck for the second time in five days at a Middlesbrough park .
18 MEAN-HEARTED thieves have struck for the third time at the Wrexham depot of the Operation Christmas Child charity , stealing a fax machine used to send out vital documents for aid convoys .
19 Barn owl have bred for the last three years , and skylarks and meadow pipits have recolonised the wet meadows ; ten species of African migrant use the hedgerows and patches of gorse , bramble and nettles ; a colony of 20 pied flycatcher use the many nest boxes erected around the farm .
20 However , to pursue this would lead on to criticisms of inductivism that I have reserved for the next chapter .
21 In the past year , serious peace talks have begun for the first time to end Guatemala 's 30-year old civil war between the army and a number of guerrilla organisations grouped together in the URNG coalition .
22 And you have resided for the last six months at the and at er ?
23 And you have resided for the last six months at the Railway Hotel and at er ?
24 SCOTLAND — SCOTLAND have qualified for the last five World Cup finals , but with only one point from two games they already face an uphill struggle to qualify for a sixth time .
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