Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The sexual proclivities of no other prime minister have aroused quite the same kind of obsessive inquiry …
2 Ann adds : ‘ Even if we lose the appeal and the girls have to see out the full term in prison , I shall still be campaigning to prove their innocence long after they have been released .
3 Some in industry have to carry out the same operation .
4 Up to now I have heard only the few reluctant words in the lane .
5 ‘ Then , Benedict , you have heard only the scandalous tale .
6 Council house building has all but stopped , while sales have stripped out the better stock .
7 In view of these limitations , and knowing Father 's esteem for conciseness , I have listed here the revised round of duties he will from now on be expected to perform . ’
8 They have dismissed even the manifest economic growth generated by his policies , certain that any wealth created must have gone straight into his or his cronies ' pockets .
9 We have gathered together the largest and most spectacular collection of Indian BANJARA embroidery ever to be shown in the UK .
10 Pollution and the removal of riverside hedges have played their part ; but above all , dredging and drainage have ironed out the varied bed conditions of gravel and silt to which the larvae of these and many other insects were so minutely adapted .
11 Researchers in the adult literacy campaigns in England have devoted considerable attention to these features of writing and have pointed out the possible practical consequences of imprecise layouts and unconsidered presentation of text .
12 Nonetheless , reviews of the whole gamut of recreational traffic models in rural areas , including trip generation models , distribution models , direct demand modelling , traffic assignment models , system simulation ( Miles and Smith , 1977 ) , and gravity models ( Baxter and Ewing , 1981 ) have pointed out the following deficiencies which still need to be remedied by further research on :
13 Theologically-minded critics have pointed out the Christian precedents to Wordsworth 's view of Nature .
14 When Peter makes the point that the non-Jews have received exactly the same gift of the Holy Spirit as the Jewish Christians , the logic is inescapable .
15 PGSS and Makaton have received perhaps the least evaluation .
16 Members in AIB Bank , in Britain , have received perhaps the greatest blow yet delivered to them , when the Mediator dealing with their outstanding salary claim came forward with his Recommendation .
17 I would also expect to see as a result of local shortages , more sharing of dwellings , by households who have formed not the same of concealed households who have n't succeeded in .
18 I am in no doubt about that , particularly as I have toured regularly the difficult areas in all parts of the country .
19 Spokesman Tony Ward said the BAF were ‘ sad for Jason Livingston , ’ but added : ‘ We have carried out the right procedures and we would fight any court case to the bitter end to defend our position . ’
20 Only recently , Indian organisations such as the Shuar Federation have persuaded the government to grant legal titles to communal Indian land holdings , and in some cases this has been possible only after foreign volunteers have carried out the necessary land surveys .
21 While the public may be cynical about electoral promises , governments of whatever complexion customarily take pains to demonstrate that they have carried out the main proposals embodied in their manifesto , as well as other commitments or ‘ pledges ’ given at election time .
22 You have to work out the right questions to find out what you want to know , see ? "
23 However , you will probably have obstacles such as window reveals , door openings and built-in furniture in the room , all competing to be the centre of attention , and you have to work out the best ‘ centre point ’ while trying to avoid having very thin cut-tile borders and edges anywhere .
24 You get a little book , and you have to take out the tape , and you have to write down the different conversations you have in between , all your conversations , and then erm , .
25 In an improbable , but typical , detour in a review of a book about corsets , she asks : ‘ How has it come about that feminists have picked up the masculine notion that those women who are n't self-confessed feminists do n't known what they 're doing , half the time ? ’
26 They have picked up the wrong book and are probably in the wrong bookstore .
27 But however different these patterns may be , key ideas will be repeated in each , and by the time you have written down the key words referring to your topic from half a dozen texts , you will be halfway to having the skeleton articulated .
28 Just as you have written off the 1991 vintage in France , a sample appears on the doorstep to confound you .
29 But it is not only the artists and the entertainers who have recapitulated , for their own purposes , the fabulous elements in primitive tradition ; the academic writers , the learned purveyors of supposedly factual knowledge , have done just the same .
30 We have seen exactly the same psychological process in palaeontology , where the fashionable fixation for homoeomorphy in many groups brainwashed many of us into thinking : " if they look alike they ca n't be related " !
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