Example sentences of "have [verb] [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We have come to realize that many of us will not see the improvements in our quality of life , as this is going to take a long time .
2 Serious UFO researchers have come to recognise that these stories are essentially subjective .
3 I feel myself shudder ; I have come to learn that such touchings normally precede a trip to the Dark .
4 THE HISTORY of belief in the supernormal over the past hundred years is studded with the names of famous illusionists who have sought to prove that much-vaunted miracles were nothing more than conjuring tricks .
5 Since Hume , philosophers of an empiricist turn of mind have tended to suppose that any ‘ knowledge ’ obtained by a priori perception of connections between ideas is trifling and empty of content , and that the price paid for the necessity and certainty of such ‘ knowledge ’ is a loss of information .
6 In the past , we have tended to assume that these first descriptions of blocks of land and their bounds were very close in date to the original definition of such estates or territories .
7 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , as and when we may reasonable require .
8 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , as and when we may reasonably require .
9 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , as and when we may reasonably require .
10 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , and when we may reasonably require .
11 you know , people have got to realize that this day and age er children are taught not to talk to strangers
12 ‘ People have got to realise that this could happen to them , ’ says Pauline Hoare .
13 Although public sector entities may experience difficulties with the recognition and measurement of certain assets , the example the audited Crown financial statements have set shows that verifiable valuations can be placed on most public sector assets .
14 Some researchers , Sarah Smilanski in particular ( 1968 ) , have attempted to show that some underprivileged children can not engage in play , but lack of concentration is a symptom not a cause .
15 People in the City to whom I have spoken say that private enterprise will never finance it .
16 Furthermore , none of the considerations I have adduced suggest that political violence will rapidly diminish , still less disappear .
17 The committee system , the greater resources of staff and money available to members , and the relatively weak calls of party loyalty have combined to suggest that this role can most successfully be performed by the United States Congress .
18 I have said that the anorexic starts from a position of helplessness and hopelessness , and I have tried to demonstrate that this was so in my case .
19 For centuries we have tried to pretend that this was not the case .
20 Dunning and Murphy have tried to argue that violent street-gangs , whose antics led to several alarmed inquiries around the turn of the century , were likely to have been present at football matches from the outset .
21 I have tried to show that these are the very points at which her own analyses of the figure prove useful .
22 Documents we have obtained show that one contract for the extension to the London Underground Jubilee Line is to go to a German firm , even though a British company is desperate for the work .
23 The pressures of the health market which the Government have created mean that balanced books and a worried look over the shoulder at the competition are the immediate concerns of NHS managers and accountants .
24 While programmers have not been able to do that the results they have achieved suggest that this may not be such a good idea .
25 Employment Agencies , like many other small businesses , have begun to realise that many of their routine office tasks and commercial operations can be handled more efficiently using a business micro-computer .
26 The opinion polls have begun to suggest that ordinary Greeks are getting tired of the alternation of placeholders that has made up so much of recent Greek politics .
27 Fortunately , in the eighties we have begun to recognise that modern communication skills go far beyond the concept of advertising .
28 Even some of the financial institutions have begun to recognise that those who are suddenly on their own through bereavement , divorce or separation , are special customers who need help .
29 The response results I have outlined indicate that this variation can extend even to the decision of whether a particular passage or set of words is assigned to the SF genre or not .
30 We have failed to grasp that most people are now accustomed to exercising choice , however limited their purchasing power .
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