Example sentences of "have [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have to continue to invest in the field organisation and in research and development , ’ White said .
2 Policemen and women from all over Britain have gathered to protest over the controversial Sheehy report .
3 All accommodation listed within this guide consists of inspected properties and those who have undertaken to abide by the Tourist Board Code of Conduct .
4 Certainly you are obliged in this game which you have undertaken to play against the reader ( while at the same time telling a good story ) to state the physical circumstances necessary to unmasking the murderer .
5 The concern about declining councillor calibre embodies a bitter lament that a variety of changes have conspired to result in a situation in which there is now a less close and direct relationship between economic power , social status , and the political control of local government than was once the case in the Victorian age when local government enjoyed the leadership of businessmen and local notables .
6 • If we work at night , and have to try to sleep during the daytime , we have difficulty in adjusting our habits in spite of having an ‘ active ’ environment at night and a quiet , sleep-conducive environment ( a quiet , darkened bedroom ) during the daytime .
7 All reviewers have to try to stand outside the immediate context of their listening , but that can be hard to do at the same time as keeping all emotional wavelengths open .
8 This is done by , among other things , the sharing of stories , exchange of gossip , and a friendly and very sharp banter ( at which policemen are very good ) , during which sergeants sometimes have to struggle to rise above the one-line wit and are often themselves forced to succumb ( on the use of rituals at the beginning of work in American police departments see Niederhoffer 1967 ) .
9 In Barbados ( and other places such as Jamaica and Antigua ) , the wickets are fast and so the bowlers have traditionally bowled fast , while the batsmen have looked to attack at every opportunity , to hit the ball as hard and as gleefully as possible .
10 This activity has earned the gratitude and , indeed , the respect of hacks such as myself , who have come to rely on the OHE 's booklets and fact sheets and other publications as accurate and marvellously convenient source material .
11 I have come to appreciate over the years , however , that the extra material they provide makes a great safety net .
12 Alice said , " I have come to report on an agreed squat — you know , short-term housing — surely you know … "
13 This tax invoice now assumes many of the characteristics we have come to associate with an internal VAT invoice , for not only will it show the customer 's VAT number , it will also be used by the UK acquirer of goods from within the EC as evidence to recover acquisition tax .
14 The smaller projects lack the glamour that the American public and politicians have come to associate with the word ‘ space ’ ; and the larger missions are too expensive for NASA operating on a Reagan-sized budget .
15 There is , therefore , none of the fitful air of discontinuity about the Schrödinger equation which we have come to associate with the quantum world .
16 Therefore , it is against that back-cloth , that I respond to these orchestrated criticisms and express my views on the man I have come to know as a friend and a very good colleague .
17 Or again , it is as though the disorganized and random bursts of photons present in a beam of white light were suddenly all being accelerated and agitated to precisely the same frequency and directed at the same spot — to produce the awesome source of energy that we have come to know as the laser .
18 Professor Davis noted that the industries which expanded before 1780 did not transform themselves in the dramatic way we have come to know as an industrial revolution .
19 If they have come to rest through the act of sale to a stranger then , what was their price ? , and , in what currency were they purchased ?
20 Under Felipismo , Spaniards have come to depend on the state again , as they did for so long under Generalissimo Franco 's regime . ’
21 During the past 15 years patients have come to depend on the day hospital service .
22 Many churches in the West , however , have come to depend upon an organ or other instrument to lead , support , or even dominate , the use of voices .
23 In the Western world , two approaches have come to dominate in the course of the past 50 years : a medical approach and an educational approach .
24 Firstly the process of moving down towards our S S A needs to be facilitated because my own instinct is that the government , faced with all sorts of financial tribulations , is going to take a harder and harder nosed attitude towards local government expenditure , as it will unfortunately with an awful lot of the rest of what we have come to expect over the decades to be the responsibility of central government , clearly the current expenditure review is going to have some nasty shocks in it for consumers of account services , consumers of other assets of the welfare state but particularly I would suspect , the local government .
25 It seems the French got the better part of the deal when the Eurodisney share price was announced in the City yesterday with all the overkill we have come to expect from the Americans .
26 However , lively detail is no substitute for an integrated texture of the sort we have come to expect from the WNO chorus and orchestra .
27 In general , this guide continues the same high standards we have come to expect from the Fell and Rock , despite a scattering of proof reading errors here and there .
28 Choosing the right diet is the key , and to make it easy for you we have devised a three-part series , Slim Plan ( page 81 ) , backed by all the knowledge , research and thorough testing you have come to expect from the Good Housekeeping Institute .
29 It has been a day which commenced so stunningly with the horse and carriage procession , swept forward with the harmonious , soaring , musical arrangements at the wedding ceremony , and has culminated in the utter perfection of the gourmet dinner , all in keeping with what we have come to expect from the organizational abilities of one of the world 's paragons .
30 The game is very playable and the graphics are flicker free as we have come to expect from the top shareware authors .
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