Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] some [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Socially and psychologically women are brought up to care for relationships , to care for people , they want to do it well , where it goes wrong they tend to blame themselves , but equally we have eminent members of the judiciary who in the past have commented in some of the cases of severe assaults on women , the kind of er quote that you were making
2 Another potential future LAN would be for Public Services and Publications , in view of the close functional links which have developed between some of their activities , and the need to minimise cost increases by sharing expensive hardware .
3 I have referred to some of the powerful speeches made by Opposition Members with particular constituency interests .
4 You must be content , therefore , with such a general description as I have received from some of the eunuchs .
5 So far , I have sketched in some of the contours of early educational debates and policy in the field of racism , culture and education and explored the way in which the problem of cultural and ethnic essentialism , in particular , has structured and indeed disfigured public debates and the production of relevant knowledge .
6 So far in this book , we have looked at some of the more dangerous types of ‘ vehicle ’ used for inner-space exploration such as satanism , witchcraft , New Age paganism and occult magic .
7 We have looked at some of the types of jobs involved in retailing , and at the different sorts of shops you might work in .
8 I have looked at some of the reasons why people today can not ( or will not ) believe in him .
9 So far , we have looked at some of the features of four periods of structural change in the UK economy and some of the main developments in the international connections of the UK economy from the 1940s until the recent period of structural change .
10 So far we have looked at some of the main economic factors concerned with selling overseas .
11 Of course there is nothing entirely new in all this — various librarians have argued along some of these lines before .
12 And we have talked about some of the extra-curricular activities that pretty young girls sometimes get invited to try .
13 For a confirmation of this , you only have to look at some of Turner 's paintings of the Dales and compare them with the reality to see how much poetic licence has been taken for the sake of the " phantasmagoric " .
14 We only have to look at some of the long-term deals , the single union deals and changed working practices to see that .
15 Of course oil exporters , e.g. Nigeria and Algeria , have had to revise ambitious economic development programmes whilst some of the Persian Gulf oil exporters have disposed of some of their capital and money market investments .
16 The report concluded , ‘ we should be very foolish to argue that the economic system would not work if prices and incomes were behaving as they have behaved during some of the most prosperous epochs ; that is to say , rising slowly ’ .
17 And they say you have to send in some of your product and then they come round to your stand and if it does n't comply they just take it off your stand which is our whole merchandise really .
18 So far , I have concentrated on some of the standard aspects of prison life and routine — in some ways no more than a mirror image of other large institutions .
19 The nature of the implicit political ideology of criminals is well illustrated when we consider what happens when they become organised and powerful , as in the case of the Mafia in the United States , and the smaller-scale , localised organisations that have appeared in some of our cities .
20 I have touched on some of these developments in this chapter , but can not hope to describe the whole picture in detail .
21 This is just as well because high interest rates have led to some of Wehmiller 's customers in the UK deferring capital purchases in the short term .
22 Already , Community funds have led to some of Europe 's best wildlife habitats — for example , Lake Prespa in Greece , home to wolf , bears , otter and rare birds such as the Dalmatian pelican and pygmy cormorant .
23 My hypothesis is that the conditions of work are such that one mode of relating is that of schizoid withdrawal which means that individuals have to take on some of the characteristics just described .
24 Er , back to the profit and analysis er remind you so far there 's three which er you 're all very I 'm sure already familiar with but we have to explain to some of our less sophisticated audiences .
25 WITH millions already shaping up for their New Year diet , doctors have warned against some of Britain 's most popular weight-loss plans .
26 Environmental standards have improved in some of the older zones , and local physical and economic development has been improved .
27 Tim James , the council 's urban woodlands officer , said : ‘ Dutch elm disease has killed some of the trees and the high winds have accounted for some of the pine and larch .
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