Example sentences of "have [noun] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps most important of all , checklists draw upon the knowledge of people who have experience of the child under ordinary , everyday conditions .
2 Members of the Advisory Committee are drawn deliberately not only from those who have experience of the system , for example , former panel members , but also from people who have not previously been involved in the Children 's Hearing system at all .
3 Almost half of them have experience of the joys of a threesome , while more of them have seen live sex shows than men in other categories .
4 For 100 runners-up we have copies of the video , worth around £60 .
5 For 100 runners-up we have copies of the video , worth around £60 each .
6 For 100 runners-up we have copies of the video , worth around £60 each .
7 It also provides a general right for the data subject to see and have copies of the data relating to him .
8 Now we even have maps of the moon .
9 They have maps of the country and guidebooks .
10 If the votes are 50% , 30% and 20% for parties A , B and C respectively , then PR means that Party A must have 50% of the seats , Party B 30% and Party C 20% — or if not exactly those percentages , then percentages as close to them as is possible within the constraints of whatever system is being used .
11 ‘ I have kind of an idea that gets everybody off the hook .
12 diagram make sure you have part of the engine room .
13 In addition to pure public goods , such as defence , the state also makes free provision of certain goods , such as parks and swimming pools , which have part of the characteristics of a pure public good .
14 Boat Race : Oxford have rhythm of the Blues THE BOAT RACE
15 All peers of Great Britain have retained entitlement to sit since the peerage was instituted in 1707 as have peers of the United Kingdom since 1801 .
16 Here we describe plutonic and volcanic rocks from the Cordillera Blanca complex in Peru , which have characteristics of the high-Al TTD suite but which were produced above a subduction zone containing a 60-Myr-old slab .
17 Almost all societies have elements of an exchange of objects in which persons are directly implicated , market exchange in which they are not implicated , and separate spheres of exchange which constrain the equivalences between things ( e.g. Douglas 1967 ; Miller 1986 ) .
18 Democratic nations , whether they have governments of the right or left , usually have well articulated policies towards intervention in private industry .
19 Both sexes have need of the night , both have access to it , but it could be said that women represent that force more , and may sometimes be the means through which men make contact with it .
20 Parents have expectations of the school based on previous knowledge — a more responsive school is also a more demanding school .
21 We have expectations of the way people relate to each other and of the roles they play within families .
22 Not only have expectations of the future of oil prices been progressively lowered thus making most synfuel projects appear more expensive but investment cost estimates of these huge projects have also risen inexorably as the industry has reached a more exact comprehension of the real engineering costs .
23 ‘ Thank goodness we 've always warned the servants who have charge of the children , to keep away from the river bank . ’
24 A must have knowledge of the contract between B and C or act with the intention of bringing about a breach of it .
25 Applications for Associateship should be supported by two Fellows of the association who have knowledge of the candidate for at least two years immediately preceding the application .
26 In this respect politicians apparently have knowledge of the economy that economists do not .
27 Make up a pamphlet giving information about it , to show that you have knowledge of the product concerned .
28 The other point is I gave you an undertaking yesterday to come back to you on the reschedule of the programme in respect of items that have fell of the agenda during the course of the week .
29 People who choose to be private patients in public hospitals have 75% of the schedule fee reimbursed by Medicare and pay any additional fees through private insurance , if they have it .
30 We now have evidence of a cluster of breast cancers in and around Bolsover — 50 per cent .
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