Example sentences of "an [noun sg] 's [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 We look forward to an hour 's drive to an appointment , because it 's then that we dust off American Pie or Band On The Run or Led Zeppelin II or London Calling and snap it into our car 's entertainment system .
2 Is this what an hour 's proximity to an out Jewish lesbian can do ?
3 An hour 's sail to the south is Anti-Paxos , with brilliant turquoise bays of fine white sand and two beach side tavernas .
4 Today John had gone out to lunch before her and she ate her sandwiches quickly , then started out on the brisk quarter of an hour 's walk to her uncle 's church .
5 Anyone who kept a pet owl was suspected of being a magician , and farmers would nail an owl 's body to a front door , with its wings outstretched , to avert thunder and hail .
6 In Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler and Others , Fowler v Faccenda Chicken Ltd ( 1986 1 All ER 617 ) the scope of an employee 's duty to his former employer came before the Court of Appeal .
7 The provision of reasons will increase an expert 's vulnerability to claims , because the details of the workings and calculations may be the very evidence that would otherwise be lacking .
8 Above all he brought an accountant 's mind to the affairs of the Transport Department , with startling results .
9 In an Author 's Note to the first book , Master and Commander , Patrick O'Brian assures us that ‘ … very often the improbable reality outruns fiction ’ and offers enough information about his sources ( in log-books , diaries and other contemporary records ) to confirm the authenticity of the events through which he displays his characters .
10 In an Author 's Note to the second book about this strange being , Ayesha , he wrote :
11 And yet an Englishman 's relation to English culture and its traditions may be more tormented than Schniedau allows for , especially if the Englishman in question defines himself as , or aspires to be , an English artist .
12 To convert an engineer 's square to a sensory square , the concavities can be opposed by positive stressing .
13 Individual attitude change can be reinforced by an organisation 's commitment to positive attitudes .
14 ‘ Any idea where I could lay my hands on an idiot 's guide to disputes ? ’ he asked .
15 But , such is the pace of development , that an idiot 's guide to many of the most recent and fast-moving technological marvels , which often bristle with abbreviations , is not to be despised .
16 But , of course , when he talked and lectured , even though he said he was quite unable to lecture , he revealed a wonderful depth of understanding of art and of an artist 's attitude to his work .
17 The American film-maker Maya Deren says somewhere that ‘ response should always precede analysis ’ , a remark which sounds as if it was made as an artist 's challenge to academic dryness and formalism .
18 Time 's winged chariot , complete with skeleton and scythe , is converted during the play from being a trivial ornament in an artist 's studio to a darker symbol of Dorian 's decline , and the whole drama unfolds under a vast sundial , bedecked with clouds but surrounded by Roman numerals for the hours .
19 Along with the tax tables , the Inland Revenue issues an Employer 's Guide to PAYE booklet ( P7 ) which gives instructions on the preparation and use of the official income tax forms and documents .
20 For those with a taste for the unusual and exotic , Pavilions in Peril remains not only an engaging armchair read , but an explorer 's guide to a forgotten world of follies and garden temples .
21 At low levels of contamination , organochlorines such as PCBs may lower an animal 's resistance to infection , and can be the cause of mass deaths .
22 By ‘ information ’ Lorenz means that , in order for an animal 's behaviour to be adapted to the environment , the animal must have some knowledge ( information ) of the environment : if an animal is to perform some adaptive behaviour , such as finding food , it must know what food looks like .
23 Such effects could take place at a number of different levels within the political system : an individual 's relationship to another could change as a result of the media just as an individual 's relationship to an institution could change as an outcome of media work , and so on .
24 Such effects could take place at a number of different levels within the political system : an individual 's relationship to another could change as a result of the media just as an individual 's relationship to an institution could change as an outcome of media work , and so on .
25 His thinking also took account of limited human rationality on the question of responsibility for offences ; unlike Beccaria he allowed for mitigating circumstances such as duress , infancy and insanity to reduce or even remove an individual 's liability to punishment .
26 An individual 's attitude to the question of the political context in which the legal system operates will depend on whether he or she takes a supportive attitude to the political status quo or wishes to challenge it .
27 Other event-producing situations are unrelated to an individual 's approach to life or personality characteristics .
28 It is also assumed that an individual 's response to an item will be completely independent of his or her response to any other items in the test .
29 Seen in this gallery context it invites us to view it as an individual 's response to a constructed drama .
30 An attitude is a mental state of readiness , organised through experience , exerting an influence upon an individual 's response to an object and the situations with which it is related .
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