Example sentences of "an [noun sg] to [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Now if you come to Caldmore , you 'll find out then that the majority of the married ladies had worked in I mean I should say that erm I know my mother was very snooty she 'd been an apprentice to some dressmakers in Street and work for one year for nothing she always used to tell me , and she was quite er toffee- nosed about these girls that used that er that used to go , well they were very respectable people , and when I was a kid when I growing up in my teens a lot of the girls I used to know were in the offices at er it they employed about fifteen hundred people at in those days you know I mean coming out of at night it was fighting your way against the crowd if you were going towards it , and the same thing going through the square for people who have worked in when they left that 's why all those shops in the square used to do reasonably well , it was the people walking through to go up the other side of Walsall , but there was a crowd of people I can , I can always remember as a kid a crowd of people and then there 'd be well you can tell it was along Street in those days I can remember fruiters ' carts where the girls used to go and buy apples , and that all sort of going along there you know people used to wait for them coming out , these are my impressions as a kid I mean I can remember the , the er and the men of course were cutters and various people and a quite a lot of my father 's friends were , were er had er skilled jobs at as cutters and managers of the cutters ' department and that sort of thing .
2 It is possible to think that this plebeian has been lent some part of Naipaul 's aristocratic fastidiousness , some part of his hostility , while also suffering the consequences of an exposure to these qualities , and to recall that both Ahmed and the author of An Area of Darkness are preoccupied with the hanks of human shit that litter certain landscapes .
3 Similarly , the violence in many sections of our own society today is , in the media , taken as proof of ‘ the animal nature of man ’ which — an insult to many animals — is always understood to be destructively aggressive .
4 I would often masturbate for upwards of quarter of an hour to these fantasies .
5 Among many demonstrators , with their calls for ‘ Freedom ! ’ and ‘ We stay here ! ’ , there remains an attachment to some aspects of life in East Germany : perhaps best described as socialism with a very small s .
6 Each year , the Inax Corporation , Japan 's biggest tile manufacturer , selects the best from among the many new materials on the market and presents an award to those companies who have facilitated the development of new product lines .
7 However , a government offer to purchase the debt at 47 cents on the US dollar , which was below its current secondary market trading price , was felt to be an obstacle to many banks agreeing to sell .
8 The RCC also announced an amnesty to all Kurds " except those " who committed murder , rape and looting during acts of riots and treason " .
9 I agree with you on his ambiguity and the danger of flirting with such issues — you 're not telling him what to write but , being an idol to many fans , he has to have sense of responsibility .
10 The building itself and the woodland environs remain an inspiration to all artists and to all art form .
11 The letter from their mother was a joy and an inspiration to both princes .
12 I will then show , in the next section , how the non-instrumental approach to consent allows for a natural extension of the scope of the legitimacy of an authority to some cases where there is no consent .
13 Newcastle manager Kevin Keegan tried to lure Beardsley back to his native North East earlier this season , but Kendall spurned their attempt for the player he holds up as an example to all professionals .
14 The name comes from Joan of Arc ( Jeanne d'Arc ) , the patron saint of France , whose bravery is an example to all girls .
15 ‘ You may ask about his daily routine when abroad ; he attends matins at church and priestly services either alone or with a small following , and worships so devoutly that he has set an example to all Italians of the honour and reverence that should be paid to bishops and clergy .
16 It would be worth it , if it put an end to such irritations as the inconvenient way I 'd suddenly find myself visualising you when I was with other women …
17 and we would like to see an end to all experiments on animals , for cosmetics , toiletry , household product purposes .
18 Time will bring an end to all things , even to Marlowe 's dream , as it is only a dream and exists in the temporal , real world .
19 I want to hear them discuss how they will bring an end to all forms of intensive animal farming , ban bloodsports , end testing on animals , stop animals being used in circuses , ban imports of fur products and end this disgraceful trade .
20 The Marxist claim that a socialist revolution will inaugurate a classless society , an end to all forms of domination and the withering away of the state is just another myth of popular control , propagated by an emerging counter-elite , the leadership of the new industrial working class .
21 Howie Armstrong , Scottish co-ordinator of the EPOCH campaign , End Physical Punishment of Children , said the organisation would continue to press for an end to all forms of corporal punishment against children .
22 In AD 208 the Emperor Severus took personal charge of a fleet into the Firth of Forth and from it led an expedition across Fife , over the Tay valley , and on into the ever inhospitable north to put an end to these depredations .
23 After one terrible shelling early in the battle when human entrails were to be seen dangling in the branches of a tree and a ‘ torso , without head , without arms , without legs , stuck to the trunk of a tree , flattened and opened , ’ Dubrulle recalls ‘ how I implored God to put an end to these indignities .
24 Raising a hand to put an end to these blows the woman gave me a warm smile .
25 With the exception of the Celtic lands of Wales and Brittany , over which he exercised only a loose over-lordship , he already controlled most of the seaboard of north-western Europe and he was determined to put an end to these exceptions .
26 It has been seven years that life does not bring me any joy and being totally blasé , I have decided to put an end to those viragos .
27 ‘ I want to see an end to those days ’ , Farr-Jones adds .
28 This trait was noted by fellow politicians such as Enoch Powell : ‘ [ Ted ] believes there is an answer to all problems which can be worked out by proper bureaucratic means — I 'm not using that word abusively for once — by the proper approach .
29 The eighteenth-century preformationists had an answer to all criticisms .
30 We put this to you as an answer to all slimmers who say they only need to look at a single cake or bar of chocolate to put on a substantial amount of fat .
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