Example sentences of "an [noun sg] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An aspirant to membership of the developed club is likely to be accommodating about rainforests , the welfare of Amazonian Indians , the ozone layer and a climate convention .
2 It took Paul , Kate , Helen and Michael about half an hour to wolf down the lot .
3 An Opportunity to Share in Clerical Medical 's Excellent Investment Performance
4 Others would mention the Peace Movement and an opposition to imperialism as related issues .
5 Hatred of the father expresses itself not only in obvious antagonistic behaviour directed at all representatives of paternal restraint , but also in more devious and perhaps even ‘ sublimated ’ ways as a distaste for all restraints of any kind and an opposition to authority of any sort .
6 It is therefore in the age of modern popular politics after 1789 , the age of movement towards democracy , that we see also the development of an opposition to democracy with a more sophisticated theoretical basis than any since the time of Plato .
7 An economics graduate , he had become an adviser to Solidarity in 1980 , and had started his own timber haulage company after losing his job in industrial training following the 1981 imposition of martial law .
8 However , at all times questions have been asked for all sorts of reasons , ranging from the sheer desire for information to an attempt to trip up the Prime Minister on a major policy issue .
9 When they were introduced they offered an alternative to insulin for the patient not responding to diet alone .
10 The internal market is also used in the private sector as an alternative to hierarchy as a mode of internal coordination within the firm .
11 Endoscopic sclerotherapy as an alternative form of treatment for bleeding varices was first reported in 1939 in a young patient with extrahepatic portal vein occlusion and was eventually popularised as an alternative to surgery by the work of Johnston and Rodgers .
12 Endoscopic biliary drainage using large plastic stents , is an alternative to surgery in the management of these patients , and can rapidly resolve cholestasis , jaundice , and cholangitis .
13 This had the effect of giving the BBC an effective monopoly as advertising revenue could best be maximized by providing an alternative to sport on independent television .
14 These ideas were taken up by the peace movement in the early-1980s as an alternative to reliance on nuclear weapons .
15 Realist approaches ( see Sayer , 1984 ) have been used to provide an alternative to positivism on the one hand and historicism on the other .
16 It has gained a reputation for controlling pain and in China is extensively used as an alternative to anaesthesia in surgery .
17 As an alternative to payment under Deed of Covenant , Tradeco could make payments under the Gift Aid provisions of the Taxes Act .
18 When falsificationism was introduced as an alternative to inductivism in the previous chapter , falsifications , that is , the failures of theories to stand up to observational and experimental tests , were portrayed as being of key importance .
19 Oh no , it would n't , I would n't think of it as an alternative to interaction with other people .
20 An alternative to water in sprays is needed in the tropics where water is often very difficult to obtain or transport to the field ; it evaporates so rapidly that the effectiveness of sprays is further reduced .
21 Many companies feel that the appointment of a good overseas agent is an alternative to involvement in the market themselves .
22 Advertising then moved on to emphasising the safety element of nablabs ( as an alternative to alcohol for drivers ) , effectively saying to consumers ‘ when you ca n't have a proper drink , have this instead ’ .
23 It is a scheme that is er , an alternative to placement in children 's homes , for adolescents with severe behavioral and emotional difficulties , erm , whereby er , specialist er , foster parents er , are , are , recruited , they are extensively trained , and er , have the willingness to take on what are difficult and challenging youngsters and er , who are placed with them .
24 Maurice Cowling has suggested that Law 's resignation was tactical , that he could not face reconciling his party to the coming Irish negotiations , and that he was giving up office so as to be available as an alternative to coalition in the future ; in Gaullist terms he was becoming a Prime Minister " in the reserve of the republic " .
25 Atlanta DA , Lewis Slaton , said that this was an alternative to prosecution for young , non-violent first-time offenders .
26 A recent innovation has been to allow the investigation committee to give members who are the subject of a complaint an opportunity to accept a judgment ( and appropriate penalty ) against them as an alternative to prosecution before the disciplinary committee .
27 The high diagnostic efficiency of cGMP , its stability , and the possibility of direct cGMP determination in plasma samples lead us to conclude that in patients with heart failure measurement of cGMP is an alternative to measurement of natriuretic peptides for routine clinical laboratory medicine .
28 Indeed in its 1964 election campaign this had been merged with Labour 's ambitious promises to develop a multiracial Commonwealth as an alternative to membership of the EEC .
29 A major argument put forward by the Home Office was that the proposed tougher community punishments would be an alternative to custody for persistent petty offenders .
30 Indeed , they may provide an alternative to timber in justifying the economic sense of allowing forests to stay put , because without such a reason they will be chopped down .
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