Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun sg] [not/n't] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the obligation to make the Convention ‘ practical and effective ’ coupled with an inherent obligation not to extradite in certain circumstances undermines the bilateral extradition arrangements entered into by States .
2 The unions concerned had , in effect , given an advance commitment not to contest the redundancies of the temporary workers .
3 The Court of Appeal affirmed the existence of an implied duty not to prepare to compete and gave judgment for the plaintiffs .
4 Some protection is afforded by the practice of requiring the plaintiff to give an express undertaking not to use the information obtained without first seeking the leave of the court , and it was held in Tate Access Floors Inc .
5 Although the French offer of a ‘ half-peace ’ ( a truce for a set period of between fifteen and thirty years , in exchange for an English undertaking not to use the French royal title during that period ) was taken seriously at first , it was turned down when the English demanded a perpetual peace together with the grant of Normandy and an enlarged Aquitaine ( as in 1360 ) in full sovereignty .
6 Brooklands is an impossible car not to enjoy — a unique motoring experience
7 I , and the rest of the family , laid back , thought of England and enjoyed it , because it is an impossible car not to enjoy
8 With regard to other pets , puppies generally learn at an early stage not to pursue a cat sharing the home with them .
9 The first witness had decided at an early stage not to travel to Dublin ; the second only recently made his decision not to give evidence .
10 The informant is responsible in law ( unless the information was provided solely for the journalist 's background reference and not for use even on an unattributed basis ) but the media , having promised confidentiality , will be under an ethical duty not to reveal the name of its informant .
11 They have an equal right not to dread going to bed alone , or waking up alone ; there need be no loneliness on quiet Sundays .
12 Smoke detectors installed in hotel corridors have an alarming ability not to detect smoke .
13 ‘ You do n't tell an overweight man not to eat , you tell him what he can eat safely .
14 An initial scheme not to include the College of Art in the Polytechnic was turned down by the DES .
15 It was an apparent attempt not to highlight the deep rift between herself and her estranged husband Charles on the one day of the year which is symbolic of happy families .
16 Although he did not achieve any recognition from the United States that the USSR was an ‘ equal ’ power , he did secure an American guarantee not to invade Cuba , which has diminished the spectre of how the Soviet Union would respond to such an event .
17 Their attempts at lovemaking dwindled to the point of non-existence , until there was an unspoken agreement not to try any more .
18 Also , it takes an austere mind not to believe that the scope and limits of individual human action are an absolutely central theoretical crux for the social sciences .
19 David Ashworth , 31 , was alleged to have killed his former lover Denise Johnston , after breaching an earlier order not to approach her , Liverpool magistrates heard .
20 As he knows , the decision made at an earlier stage not to complete the slip road was considered to be ludicrous .
21 In 1958 , Rank had amalgamated the Odeon and Gaumont circuits , in defiance of an earlier undertaking not to do so .
22 Furthermore , it gave him an excellent excuse not to apply his mind to the dismal subjects rearmament , the war in Spain , relations with Hitler , the distressed areas the weight of which had built up during his absence .
23 It is an excellent rule not to destroy any living organism without good cause , and this applies particularly to a potential human being .
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