Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun] look [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 To see what is required in an Advanced Examination look back to p.65 ( " The Purpose of Questions " ) .
2 It was rather pathetic , like an ageing colonel looking back on the days of Empire .
3 Personally , I do not think we need an alternative god to look up to .
4 Next time he found his mark ; an incautious infantryman looking out from the window he had recently left .
5 It is connected with an inborn propensity to look out for regularities , or with a need to find regularities ' ( 1963 : 47 , original emphasis ) .
6 Standing in an elevated position looking out over Lake Garda , the Caravel is one of Limone 's best hotels .
7 It was an open window looking out onto the wind-rippled waters of the Tigris and across to the Al Jumhuriyah and Al Ahrar bridges and over to the tower blocks of the foreign-money hotels .
8 Shades of the brilliant Communion cover , which just had an alien face looking out at you ; this one has an eyeless man .
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