Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 They 've went and hud an ootside cludgie pit in .
2 I used to get them various gigs at the Marquee Club in Wardour Street and the Roundhouse , and some dates at universities throughout the country , but there was n't an awful lot coming in although I did succeed in getting him a TV appearance and the producer , who was a good friend of mine , said , ‘ I 'll not have this guy on my programme with long hair ’ . ’
3 A senescent safecracker and an odd kid break in to the same house at the same time : the safecracker for cash , the kid to apple-pie the beds , read the mail and raid the fridge .
4 Everything was rosy at the Red House , which Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Morris 's close friend and mentor described as ‘ more a poem than a house … but an admirable place to live in too , .
5 The narrator may not wholly be in jest when he refers to sexual intercourse with a certain girl , 17 or thereabouts , as ‘ the ultimate indecorum ’ , and rereaders of the novel are likely to be mindful of the survival here of an old England lived in by people like the middle-aged T. S. Eliot , exponents of a disgusted chastity .
6 Susan : ‘ Well , Vera , I was down in the Bank this morning paying my ESB and you know what happened — an old gentleman came in with flowers for a member of the staff — it was lovely to see ’ .
7 Anyhow it was like the sea and boats and everything else and I used to I was working in a shop and I use to get up early in the morning and go down and tally all the numbers and names of the boats and and there was an old man came in to shop while I was working in and asked about a certain boat , I says oh I can tell you , trek down .
8 Now the funny thing about it , when I took metallurgy I got , I , I got all this process I knew all about it you know , and er I had it the theory explained to me then , but er I was in the Bell one day about twenty years ago and an old boy came in and I started talking to him and he says , I bet you do n't know what I am ?
9 Just as my make-up was finished an old mandarin shuffled in , slit-eyed and moustached , and said , ‘ Hello ’ in Michael Aspel 's voice .
10 Why do a , er , an old lady come in and fill up an ice cream tub , do you mean an old ice cream tub ?
11 ‘ Did you say that a black hole is left when an old planet collapses in on itself ? ’
12 She proceeded to do this earnestly , seriously , and she sounded like an old steam-engine wheezing from the depths of the water ( that idyllic sound , now long forgotten , which to those who never knew it can be described in no better way than the wheezing of an old woman breathing in and out by the edge of a pool ) .
13 I see arts students ' timetables , an English student comes in for two hours a week , and he 's home for the rest of the time .
14 The manual consists of two photocopied sheets plus an extra note slipped in .
15 In this chapter we consider how you develop an appropriate voice to write in , since this is how a sense of yourself , as the writer , is conveyed .
16 Yeah I was in Birmingham yesterday there 's a call believe it or not there 's an actual person ringing in .
17 An entire commission came in by bus from Benghazi and changed the locale from the football club to the playground of a school which had one entrance , telephones and offices where any necessary discussion could be held in private .
18 ‘ It 's an amazing opportunity to break in to theatre , but we 've had virtually no response from Jobcentres , ’ a spokeswoman says .
19 An optimistic beginning , with an early goal thrown in , gave way to uncertainty and it took McCoist 's second goal to inspire Scotland to the stirring finale which brought a third from Pat Nevin five minutes from the end .
20 An elderly woman came in , seated herself in a rear pew and clasped her hands in prayer .
21 Downstream an ancient felucca lay in against the bank , its hull the colour of granite .
22 A former bus driver is staging an all night sit in outside the offices of a training organisation he claims forced him out of a job .
23 Clearly Select Committees will have an important role to play in further developing the presentation of these reports to ensure that they provide greater accountability .
24 Wicklow : Hunter 's Hotel , an informal family-run coaching in ; or Tinakilly House , an elegant Irish country house hotel .
25 Yet the first step had been taken , and an inexpressible sadness closed in upon him , as if he had stripped himself wantonly of the children who were his own flesh .
26 The doors burst open and a small man wearing an enormous cap rushed in , accompanied by a blast of cold air from the Glasgow Road .
27 THE £400,000 launch of a professional pool circus yesterday ended in farce when an angry shopkeeper burst in to take the jackets off the backs of the leading players .
28 The formal ought may look rather too like an artificial construct brought in to make the theory work and some might well wonder how the special functional legal ought could simultaneously be regarded , as I purport to regard it , as a moral ought .
29 Not to mention the profit being made by private clinics when rich girls are flown in to have an artificial hymen put in so that the rituals of defloration may continue .
30 Needless to say in terms of elderly , learning disability and physical disability , there will be an increasing amount bought in , as the community care transition er , continues .
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