Example sentences of "we went [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I left him one day , we went round to the pub I said do n't open that door there 's a match on fucking Ivy gets a phone call all the windows were put fucking in
2 We went round in the same circles for half an hour and I left feeling a mind-numbing frustration , far worse than anything induced by meetings with the Foreign Office .
3 Aunt Bedelia stayed to watch Brookside while we went over to the Jubilee Tower for the rest of the evening .
4 We went over to the other bed , the higher and wider one .
5 ‘ I know , 'cos one day when we went over to the dump , there was this old carton , and it said ‘ Florida Orange Juice ’ .
6 ‘ Useful , ye see , ’ Ward said as we went through to the baggage claim area .
7 Well , we really got on well together , and when the bell rang for the first round we went on to the first tee and an official is there to check out which clubs and what type of ball Butch is using .
8 We went on to the Rio Coatzacoalcos , and searched here for the Yellow Sword .
9 We went on to the target , all the same , and we not only bombed , but obtained a photograph of the aiming point at the moment of bombing .
10 We went on to the marshes with the soldiers and found the escaped convicts fighting each other .
11 We went on to the villa which had been requisitioned for the Bologna branch of the Allied Screening Commission : like all the villas requisitioned by Germans and members of the Allied forces alike , it was far too splendid for the purpose to which they put it .
12 and erm I actually received twenty seven and twopence a week , to start with it was paid weekly but subsequently erm we went on to the monthly erm payments and er but that 's what I had and er I used to pay my sister fifteen shillings a week for , for lodgings .
13 The coach then took us into the Wachau Valley for lunch at another 5-star hotel and then after a short walk through the medieval village and Durnstein Castle , we went on to the ‘ UND ’ Monastery at Krems for a wine tasting .
14 That would be about sixty , sixty one as I see , and er they were the last match of the season virtually was that they gained promotion on was Shrewsbury , which was at the game meadow and Arthur , the player manager who was a prolific goal scorer in his day , was playing at the time and er nobody expected Walsall to win but they ran out two-one winners and all down the A five that night all the pubs were full coming back with everyone celebrating , so erm , after then they had a civic dinner at the Town Hall for the players and they did a big flower display in the arboretum all set out in flowers the club badge and congratulation lads on winning promotion , and this when they kicked off the following season , in the second division , prior to that they played a friendly match against Leicester and Gordon was in goal and I took my boy with me Tim , who was only a toddler at the time , and he , I stood him on the old archway where the players used to run out , but the first league match was against Sunderland and Brian , actually played for Sunderland as centre forward and er Walsall ran out four-three winners in the end Tony , who was Walsall inside left got a hat trick and I believe Tommy , got the other goal and Brian scored for Sunderland , then the er we went on to the , the first away match which was at Derby County , and Walsall won that three-one .
15 We went on towards the double doors .
16 We went up onto the station again .
17 What in it ? , well when we went up onto the Roman battlement ?
18 We went up to the second floor and knocked at Manisha 's flat .
19 We went up to the Downs and at least I stayed in the saddle , and felt indeed a new sense of being at home there , of being at ease .
20 We went up to the ward , by which time he was making very odd , rasping sounds as he breathed .
21 We went up to the safari park , to Evesham for fruit picking , to Redditch for shopping .
22 We went up to the top floor and were told to sleep in a room full of grey metal bunks and steel lockers , and to sleep fully clothed to avoid the lice .
23 well we can do that we had some lovely spring , that day we went up to the park it was what spring like were n't it ?
24 Yeah but as I say it 's the same as when you know we come over when we went up to the
25 We went up to the shop .
26 We went up into the Forestry Commission woods the other side of the hills . "
27 We went off to the canteen .
28 We then all got into taxis and we went off to the Coconut Grove at the top half of Regent Street where we spent until the small hours of the morning .
29 And they were diffic To start them off , we went in on the Thursday , Thursday morning , and we had to fit all these things together and make 'em work , you see ?
30 Soon we went in to the adjacent Marie Antoinette Room for luncheon .
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