Example sentences of "we should be [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 and erm I just think that women are so strong and , and another thing that I find er that is very important , is perhaps there 's women here we should look at why there 's only one female prison in Scotland and about fourteen male lot and including young offenders institutions and er , I mean what is it we are as agenda er just less criminally minded , more controlled , more clever , what , you know we should be teaching men .
2 ‘ I am beginning to think we should be using kayaks after all . ’
3 We should be using e-mail for internal communications much more widely than we do at present , in order to reduce the amount of paper we currently distribute , and to send specific messages to individuals and groups .
4 1 John 3:1 says , ‘ How great is the love the Father has lavished on us , that we should be called children of God !
5 How great is the lord the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God ?
6 If we did that we should be called prostitutes would n't we ?
7 Insurance was another area in which the Sports Council felt we should be earning income — this will be researched by the Finance Committee .
8 That is why we should be receiving apologies tonight from Conservative Members .
9 ‘ I think we should be given lessons on that and then we could make up our minds about whether we are being used by a boy seeing how far he can go , or whether the boy is really interested in us .
10 We should be providing leadership in the new economic institutions that Europe will need .
11 You know what really worries me about this is that early on you said that tinkers deal in antiques , and I 'm beginning to wonder whether you , as antique dealer , have got a somewhat of an interest in this matter and maybe we should be taking care of you as a possible tenant of one of our sites , but this this is a typical example of all the thin , unreasonable excuses being put up to a party that 's trying to deal with something .
12 Instead we should be giving people information so they can make their own decisions ’ .
13 The board processes themselves often do not work , so one often hears the remark : the company policy is X , but of course I am not personally in support of this , I believe we should be doing Y. Since industrial success depends totally on getting the concentration of effort of widely differing groups of people with different skills to be applied at optimum effect to the achievement of the common goal , it is not difficult to see why such disparate messages strike at one 's heart and give one a more than usual dose of despair .
14 According to Keith Alexander , executive producer : ‘ We felt we should be doing programmes about tradition , but not with Kenneth Clark holding forth in Tuscany .
15 Our critics argued that we should be putting resources into rehabilitation programmes , but the places are n't available .
16 ‘ I know that we should be asking questions instead of sitting on our arses drinking cups of tea , ’ the DI told him , pushing his half-empty cup away .
17 Trible 's whole approach suggests that we should be granting authority to these texts , texts which convey the most fearful misogyny .
18 We do feel that erm as a City Councillor we should be enabling people to find the homes of their choice .
19 We are told not to ‘ waste time ’ in our inner world when we should be paying attention to the Russian Revolution or the wildlife of Tasmania .
20 For people who must be detained for the protection of the public because of the horrific nature of their crimes , we should be designing units which will genuinely help them to change to whatever extent is possible .
21 He said : ‘ We should be having swimming training , there are ducks on the pitch . ’
22 As increasing numbers of families experience several of these events at the same time , and out of sequence of the normal family life cycle , we should be reviewing practice , services , support networks and training to accommodate such changes .
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