Example sentences of "we 've [vb pp] [to-vb] at " in BNC.

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1 We 've got to sit at the back
2 We 've got to look at the recession that we are in .
3 ‘ But we 've got to look at ways of helping Graham Taylor .
4 yes , we we 've got to look at this in in in in the assessment er procedures as well but we 've go we 've got to try and link this up with er the the the computer work that we 're doing erm we we 've got I I I think really we we should have possibly a reasonably hefty session one evening next week to say right , how are we going to put this into practice ?
5 So therefore we 've got to look at it that way .
6 I think we 've got to look at the other side of the
7 Let's , we 've got to look at what it is that management are making a mess of .
8 We 've got to look at it in those terms , and so it is not necessary in my submission for anyone to prove at the moment there is at least five thousand dwellings short , erm that that is something which ought to be considered over a much longer time period .
9 Erm basically we 've spent more than we 've erm taken in but that was a deliberate policy agreed on by the committee we 've already mentioned Norman 's flats erm that has been a most worthwhile expenditure and we 've got to look at that as a long-term investment because we 've got flats which are going to last for years and our expenditure which was getting on for fifteen hundred pounds will not have to be repeated .
10 but we 've got to look at is more comparable with U K.
11 So we 've now got to go back and revisit it , he 's full up er , we 've got to look at his client , client load er and we 've got to find other ways in which we can actually service the due diligence work , still using him very much as the marketing focus to er the initiative and continue the the growth .
12 It 's whether , you know , what we 've got to look at really is what , what , basis we can use that fifteen thou for .
13 if you float you 'll stay at the top , some people can float and they do n't need arm bands , they stay at the top and if you sink they go to the bottom , now we 've got to look at these things look and we 've got to decide whether we think they 're gon na float , stay on the top or whether they 're going to sink and go to the bottom , now then what 's this here ?
14 Now what we 've got to look at is why I 've come to Abbey Life .
15 because things have changed so much in the ten years , we 've got to look at new options .
16 erm Nonetheless , while we want to carry on supporting that , we 've also got to think , as Jack said , erm of as we enter the next century what is going to be right for our children , and we know that in many ways we have failed them and we know that we are producing many children who have n't had the training and the education that 's going to be necessary for us to be erm economically competent in the future , so we 've got to look at the whole of our educational provision , and frankly I think opting out was erm a sort of unnecessary blip on all of this that is n't really terribly important in the whole issue of how the children in this country should be educated .
17 If they have n't remained constant over our sampling period , right , then there 's no point in making our sample predictions , alright , we 've got to have at least the confidence that our model is re relatively stable over our small sample , right , in order to make any sort of predictions about the behaviour of the dependent variable that we are looking at and the parameter of interest out of sample more often than not when we have parameter instability that does n't always signal a change in government policy , it often signals the fact that you 've got a very poor model , a model er is mis-specified and so if we detect a structural change in our model , we first of all try and explain why it may come about
18 we 've come , we 've had to make at previous meetings , Chairman , about the er , about the fall off we 've had in demand for the small units there now .
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