Example sentences of "we now [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All have been tried before to varying degrees — we now favour the fixed price tender again .
2 We now list the possible sources of distortions that lead to market failure .
3 We now reach the impossible position where if somebody goes to appeal against us and they win , they can claim costs against us , and we actually have that now , we 've got fairly large sums of cost hanging against the council , so if I 'd like to ask Les to erm I 'd like to have his support for stronger planning laws , then we could do the things that he says we ought to do .
4 ‘ So we now take the easy way out by using gas which we carry with us . ’
5 If we now take the social as a " given " — bearing in mind everything we have said above in regard to this — then we can approach the second of these injunctions by modelling the " antitheses " of design activity as internal relations , aspects of a totality ( design ) which embraces , and theoretically transcends , any single pole of the matrix .
6 If we now take the opposite extreme , that of a gas , we do not know the positions of atoms , merely their mean velocities , and the only relation we can obtain between load and displacement derives from the gas law from which we can obtain the " bulk modulus ' of the gas and this " modulus ' is entirely entropic in origin , no elastic forces being involved .
7 We now ask the obvious question : Which polynomials in Q[x] are irreducible ?
8 In Hedley Byrne , however , the House of Lords considered that , for a duty of care to exist , it was sufficient to establish that the professional ought to have known that the third party would rely on his statement , Lord Reid put it this way : ‘ I say ‘ ought to have known ’ because in questions of negligence we now apply the objective standard of what the reasonable man would have done . ’
9 We now obtain the partial solution for x unc in which we determine m of the unknowns x in terms of B , C , p and the remaining m — n unknowns z .
10 Further discussion thus has to focus attention on particular flows , and we now consider the two-dimensional wake to exemplify the procedures and the ideas that come from them .
11 We now consider the combined effects of increased polarization on both the WD and MD curves .
12 We now consider the thermal state and crustal thickness , to determine the likelihood that the trondhjemites were produced by melting of the lower crust .
13 And we now have the final symbolism of Ross Perot , the white knight set to storm Washington , who has in the not-so-distant past said that it might be necessary to suspend the constitution and cordon off black neighbourhoods and place them under martial law .
14 Further , and hence We now have the embarrassing impossibility of a negative sum of squares and must conclude that method ( b ) is unsatisfactory for computer use even though it is the more practicable for hand calculation .
15 We now have the present long-lived recession , which is a further injury to deal with .
16 For me it is always the same , though we now have the added good fortune of playing live concerts and recording in the Philharmonie .
17 We now compare the relative efficiency of perfect competition and pure monopoly and demonstrate the inherent inefficiency of monopoly .
18 We now report the three-dimensional structures of mouse major urinary protein ( at 2.4Å resolution ) and rat urinary α 2-globulin ( at 2.8Å resolution ) .
19 If we now differentiate the steady-state growth condition ( 8–54 ) , and the government revenue constraint , evaluating at we obtain : and .
20 He said : ‘ We now face the real prospect of deteriorating services and the loss of some 7,000 jobs in supply industries . ’
21 We now face the important question , how do these results affect our understanding of the search problem in speech processing ?
22 We now face the disgraceful situation of nearly 1 million children in primary schools being taught in classes of more than 30 .
23 We now face the difficult task of maintaining our vital services with progressively less support from the government . ’
24 We now believe the new packs give a correct image of our profession .
25 But if we now recall the alternative definition of democracy as popular power , or popular sovereignty , then it becomes clear that it can not be a democratic act for the people to vote away their own power and their own rights ; any more than if I freely renounce my freedom I can remain free because the renunciation was a free act .
26 The green belt also formed a tangible focal point for what we now call the environmental lobby .
27 Galileo was one of the first to observe Jupiter through a telescope , and in 1610 he discovered four satellites which we now call the Galilean satellites .
28 Following the conquests of Alexander , Egypt and the rest of the area that we now call the Middle East were dominated by Hellenistic customs and views .
29 Einstein 's original theory of relativity , which he proposed in the paper written in 1905 , is what we now call the special theory of relativity .
30 The industry was unique in that the law prescribed for it health and recreational provisions , what we now call the social wage , for most of this century .
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