Example sentences of "we have [been] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and , and they may very well my Lord , say well we have been watching with great interest what your Lordship has been doing
2 We thank you for those who have ministered your word to the church of St Leonard 's during the weeks when we have been meeting in the School for the Deaf ; so we thank you for John , Alan and Emily , for the readers and for those chaplains and ministers who worship with us .
3 As far as Kuwait is concerned we 'd like to see our country free again and this gives us the type of hope we have been wanting for the past six months , and I am sure for the people inside Kuwait — because I was there for about three weeks prior to the after the invasion I was there and I had to escape that country .
4 A crucial assumption of the kinds of statistical calculations we have been referring to is that the sample has been randomly drawn from some population .
5 We have been thinking of changing the name of the office from " Women and Minors " to " Minors " only .
6 I feel it sums up many of the issues we have been thinking about recently … ’
7 They may not be looking for treatment or rehabilitation but er what we can offer them is clean injecting equipment er free condoms , because H I V is transmitted sexually as well , probably more than , more often than in Oxfordshire , er and also we have been prescribing from an assessment clinic in the city centre .
8 I do hope the members will recognise that the service has not be sitting on its laurels er between inspectors ' reports but that we have been modelling on one quarterly to er correct any omissions with respect to boundary or to make the necessary improvements in the service erm as , as recommended by the inspect and supported by members .
9 The result was an urban sociology which came very close to that which we have been developing in this book .
10 ‘ The seven per cent bank base rate is very good news for the housing market and it is what we have been calling for .
11 Also , we have been calling for many years for legislation to get rid of the offshore tax havens of the sort that Lord Duncan-Sandys ploughed money into from Lonrho about 1970 .
12 All the problems that we have been wrestling with over recent years in attempting to formulate a set of principles for communicative language teaching suddenly vanish as if at the waving of a wand .
13 In general , we have been writing about those melodies which are complete and have a well-defined entirety .
14 He is perfectly right that in recent years we have been eating into that principle , but if we continue to do so , the principle will go , and that is the civil liberties issue which the system of justice has always been anxious to maintain .
15 At a Sept. 5 news conference Afewerki accused France , Egypt and Saudi Arabia of fostering " conflict on the borders and the blackmail we have been facing during the past three months " .
16 Roughly , the theory claims that ‘ working-class ’ children , those with whom we have been speaking in preparing this study , are suffering from a linguistic and cognitive defect vis-a-vis their ‘ middle-class ’ counterparts .
17 He said : ‘ The poll results are very encouraging and in line with the response we have been getting on the doorsteps of Darlington .
18 He said : ‘ The poll results are very encouraging and in line with the response we have been getting on the doorsteps of Darlington .
19 ‘ The scrapping of the tax is something we have been screaming for , ’ says David Austin of Rover dealers H.L Austin and Son .
20 We have been dealing with an agent so I do n't know how he really feels .
21 In times of exchange rate volatility , such as we have been experiencing for the past few years , most overseas buyers will want to be invoiced in their own currency and avoid any exchange risk .
22 And the team will cry out for joy as well , because we were created for this community , and in a way we have been looking for it all our lives .
23 Scientific director Gordon McVie said : ‘ We have been looking for a link between diet and cancer for 20 years now and this could be it .
24 Ron Van Rapphorst of San Diego police said : ‘ We have located the vehicle we have been looking for .
25 If only one stopped to look at the shape of the garment and the stitch used , it might well be just what we have been looking for !
26 We have been looking for her for three weeks .
27 ‘ By God , ’ he commented , ‘ that is what we have been looking for . ’
28 Area manager Beth Robinson says : ‘ Our business in Finaghy has steadily increased year by year and for some time we have been looking for premises , in a prominent location , which would give us the space we now need .
29 The writers and compilers of the stories we have been looking at in this chapter knew that .
30 Thus , this survey combined the two methods we have been looking at above .
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