Example sentences of "we have [vb pp] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 We have heard them for some time ; now we see them , red and white on the green of the plains .
2 We went to him and said : ‘ We have hidden something for the Man under one of your boats . ’
3 We have liked him for being into free speech and free love , and for what he has to say about convergences of the two , and about the curbs which revolution and its regimes has placed on them .
4 I was so pleased with this neat and simple control that we have employed it for several other of the key steps in the cascade — finding , for instance , that the increase in dendritic spines occurs only in a remembering and not in an amnesic group .
5 We have geared them for the charter market . ’
6 But we have budgeted it for eighty five K at thirty six per cent and we achieved a hundred and three at thirty eight .
7 Richard , our enemies were always the Tories and the bosses and we have fought them for everything we got .
8 We have watched him for three and a half years and see nothing .
9 However , suppose we have proved it for all finite P , Q , R. ( We will shortly do this . )
10 We have known her for years . ’
11 Does the Minister accept that although some of us may have a disagreement with Bruce Millan , we have known him for many years and we know that he has always been , and is , punctilious in the exercise of his duties ?
12 We have used it for scouting exercises . ’
13 So far we have taken it for granted that the distinction between ambiguity and generality is intuitively obvious .
14 In fact , the calculation above hides a significant assumption : We have taken it for granted that there are precisely 3 offspring .
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