Example sentences of "we have [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 mill-stream-And meanwhile we have gone on living .
2 Although we have gone over ground that we have gone over many times in the House , the debate has been extremely interesting .
3 In a few hundreds , or at most thousands , of years we have gone from wolf to Pekinese , Bulldog , Chihuahua and Saint Bernard .
4 I think I should start by stressing the process through which we have gone in order to prepare this report has been somewhat different this year from that which we followed in the past and
5 None of this brings any need for adjustment to the principles outlined in Chapter 1 , nor to what we have to say about adjectives .
6 It will , however , always be difficult … all we have said about organisation level validation applies to evaluation : it is hard to see how we can evaluate training unless our validation has reached the organisation level … ‘
7 What we have said about China has been reflected throughout by the photos of Sally and Richard Greenhill .
8 What we have said about modulations in major keys can easily be applied to minor keys , with a little common sense .
9 Would that we could as easily gather back all the things we have said in mistake over the years , gather them in and powder them down until not one trace of their original form is left .
10 We have completed at Dunkirk and neighbouring ports all the necessary preparations for the embarkation of 12,000 men commanded by the Duc de Richelieu …
11 We have completed x wells on our acreage and more are being drilled and planned .
12 It is just one illustration of the double standards that we have tolerated for generations that , for one and half centuries , the House has rightly imposed the strictest safety rules and regulations on the railways , while doing virtually nothing about the roads .
13 Presumably some patrol ship on the high seas might log messages in this way , but it is clear that , as humans , our experience of utterances is not that we have recorded in memory a list of utterances to which are attached standard tags specifying time and place in these terms .
14 We have begun to measure these trees , noting characteristics that give us clues to their genetic relationships : these trees , growing under plantation conditions , will eventually tell us whether we really have collected new genes useful to farmers who grow cocoa .
15 For example where he used production of ammonia , we have relied on production of CO 2 as the measurement of glutamine metabolism .
16 In preparing these abbreviated accounts we have relied upon sections 246 and 247 of the Companies Act 1985 on the grounds that the company is entitled to the benefit of those sections as a small company .
17 Each week we have to listen to mystery hand drills and various bangs and hammerings as the Jamesons get increasingly excited about the whole thing .
18 We have to rely on reports from passing vessels , ’ says Howard Cooper , who has asked yachtsmen for their help in reporting anyone interfering with navigation aids .
19 I find when we have to rely on others we always seem to be behind everyone else .
20 Sometimes the contrast is not so clearly expressed for us in the twentieth century as it would have been in the first century , so we have to rely on commentaries to point out the way that the apostle was thinking .
21 By contrast , Jesus called us to be constantly on the move , moving as pioneers into new situations in which we have to rely on God .
22 In judging other people , we have to rely on intuition and empathy .
23 well — it looks like we have to rely on Speed and Macca for them goals — i guess one of them is our ‘ top-scorer ’ right now ?
24 In France , we have collaborated with Technicatome and Siemens of Germany to undertake repairs to the Institut Laue Langevin 's high flux reactor at Grenoble .
25 Second point is that Barton Willmore say again a settlement of two and a half thousand is needed in order to be viable , well a settlement of two and a half thousand can not possibly be justified under the statistics that we have heard to date , and it is ni it is noteworthy that Barton Willmore representative did not actually promote a need argument , therefore the settlement at two and a half thousand is n well the settlement at two and a half thousand is not necessary , and anything less than that is unsustainable , so therefore in my in my view that is a a further reason why it should not be contemplated as a solution .
26 To often we have heard of buildings that have been put under capital expenditure and then the revenue has not been available for their use .
27 , writes : WE HAVE heard at college two popular beliefs .
28 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
29 Given what we have heard about Eli and his sons , and in the light , also , of those dark prophecies of doom , what message do those words convey as Israel goes into battle with Philistia ?
30 We have heard from Opposition Members a wholly misleading account of clause 2 .
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