Example sentences of "we would go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I and other girls and women , we 'd work the Dhenki , husking the rice , or sometimes we 'd go to the fields carrying tobacco and food for my brothers-in-law and cousins who were working there .
2 Leee Childers : ‘ In America , we 'd go to the record companies and make outrageous demands at RCA because we did n't know any better .
3 They would visit the cemetery together : ‘ she would take a tram car , see she 'd one or two buried there , it was her own family , and we 'd go to the cemetery nearly every Sunday if the weather was good .
4 We 'd go to the pictures , go dancing even make up the odd foursome with a couple of eager admirers .
5 We had to go from the School to the School for two years and back to the School again , and er finally we 'd go to the Academy .
6 That we 'd go to the shore , and we 'd spend a whole day there , no lemonade and biscuits then .
7 Oh n we 'd go to the doctor .
8 Afterwards , we 'd go to the Quality Inn for a poached egg . ’
9 We 'd go to the public gallery at the Old Bailey and listen to the trials .
10 And we 'd go to the theatre or but I mean we do all that sort of thing still but we just have to cram it into the week .
11 Director said , ‘ My first man into Athens , a young man but a good friend of Lawrence 's , has promised the widow that we 'd go for the jugular on this one . ’
12 He used to give me an hours warning and then we 'd work through until it got dark out in the fields and then we 'd go into the sheds and restack the hay or whatever he wanted to do .
13 By then Keenan and me are pretty drunk ; and they keep stealing our bottle from the dressing room , so we 'd go across the street and get another jug .
14 A massive great big flask of coffee and when we got there we stopped and had a sandwich and a coffee , and we 'd go in the club , set all up and we 'd sit quiet and then we 'd have a quiet drink would n't we ?
15 We 'd go round the corner and perhaps there 'd be a couple of fellows fighting or drunk .
16 Placidly we would go amid the strife of modern life .
17 In that we would go through the same procedure , whether they lived in
18 At the back of the stalls there were radiators which had plush curtains and we would shove these cakes and sandwiches under the radiators , and the next time somebody ordered a ‘ cinema tea ’ we would go to the kitchen and order a pot .
19 Denis Taylor : ‘ We decided we were going to have a new singer and hold auditions , the idea being that we would go to the old club we used to play in called La Discothéque , which was in Wardour Street , not far from the Whiskey-a-GoGo .
20 So , we would go to the clinic , then have lunch and go on to some special place — an afternoon on a beach , a boat trip round the harbour , a visit to Old Sydney Town or to Taronga Park Zoo .
21 Armed with this treat , I ran most of the way to Bugmore , where Dad would stop work , off we would go to the shed , sit on the upturned wooden wheelbarrow and thoroughly enjoy the snack .
22 In 1981 I was working the summer in Tenerife as a PR and when we got bored of the clubs , we would go to the beach at about 3am .
23 Or we would go to the coast to pick cotton , which is really exhausting .
24 We would go to the markets and made a particular impact there .
25 Sometimes we would go to the hills and find wild fruits and we began to grow a few things , like cucumbers and tomatoes , but it was generally hard going .
26 Whether we would go to the full two fifty I think will have to be you know we 'll have to wait till nearer the time .
27 We would go down to the Seine and speak of water , boats and fish ; or we would go to the public park , where a few birds languished in an ancient aviary and the old mynah bird entertained us with a lavish range of endearments .
28 It would be somewhat difficult to pick the best of the Villa San Paolo 's many attractions , but , if we were pushed to it , we would go for the stupendous view from the swimming pool .
29 We would go into the big shops in town and take anything big , anything we could get away with . ’
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