Example sentences of "we could [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now , you see , in Rafferty 's here we could be sittin' on a gold mine . ’
2 But I am constantly in trouble with the law , because I always kiss my boyfriend in public and we could be prosecuted for that .
3 We could be prosecuted for kissing in my front room if the curtains were open and someone looked in and took offence
4 As parts of a whole Universe we could be said to be responsible for everything , for we are an active part of an active creation .
5 ‘ But we could be dealing with something that could take several generations to come out . ’
6 like Alligator Gun for example I know is coming to the , to the Kings up the road here quite soon and then it 's going to Glasgow later on , and I keep thinking every time this sort of thing , thing 's happening I keep thinking we could be dealing with these
7 Robert Hewison is a very unhappy man ; at least , we could be forgiven for thinking so after reading ‘ Future Tense ’ ( Methuen , £7.99 ) his follow-up to The Heritage Industry .
8 Conversely , strong ‘ selection pressure ’ , we could be forgiven for thinking , might be expected to lead to rapid evolution .
9 Yes , well they 're the only two we could be thinking about .
10 There 's fresh water , and I found some fishing tackle , so with a bit of luck we could be eating in style tonight . ’
11 Instead of carrying the miserable burden of mass unemployment , we could be investing in new technology and in new skills , training and retraining our talented people to face a fiercely competitive world : instead of our education system declining and our health service fracturing , we could be building high-quality public services which extend security and opportunity to every family in the land ; instead of a society diminished by the violence and dishonesty of crime , we could be building strong communities which provided opportunity as well as protection for every citizen .
12 A windfall or an inheritance is not out of the question , and we could be looking at the end of March , May or October-November for a material or financial boost .
13 Regardless of the pit closure programme ta erm we 're in full flight erm at the end of the day we could be looking at a situation with four pits remaining in Nottinghamshire er and to that extent there 'll be up to four thousand miners still reliant on the services of , should er remain open .
14 Bearing in mind that the new Speaker served as a deputy before being elected to her new post we could be looking at the next Speaker of the House of Commons .
15 Bearing in mind that the new Speaker served as a deputy before being elected to her new post we could be looking at the next Speaker of the House of Commons .
16 Next Saturday the big race is the Guinness Champion Stakes at Leopardstown and with Market Booster in the field we could be looking at a future star .
17 We have to agree with Meryl who said , ‘ I think we should all support these small shops , we could be lost without them . ’
18 What they did deny were ‘ indicative ’ signs , by which we could be led to indirect knowledge of something naturally hidden , such as pores in the skin .
19 If we do n't challenge this group then we could be faced with the most unpaletteable thought of having an AC Milan type situation in the UK .
20 So what would be the worst possible picture we could be faced with next year ?
21 He said : ‘ There 's a suspicion that we could be getting into a mess .
22 Either way , we are so alike , we could be taken for sisters — everyone says so . ’
23 Erm with regard to a site specific policy , if it 's additional , and there 's no clear need for it it 's not catered for within the allocation which is er provided for within the structure plan , then we could be left with a major site with a clear commitment to its development or its suitability for development and and no end user .
24 Our evidence was said to be flawed because : WE could be accused of setting up Marshall for an offence she would not have otherwise committed .
25 We could be accused of listening to foreign propaganda even if we were not , and now that we were on the suspected list this could have been a good excuse for having us arrested again .
26 We could be accused of confusing the issue of environmental assessments .
27 Quite a good result , we could be miffed after their 3rd goal , but mid-way through the 2rd half I 'd have been exstatic with a draw .
28 It is nice to visit foreign teams but it means losing so much time in midweek to travelling when we could be concentrating on preparation for League games .
29 By the end of the nineties , we could be set for the first Oscars awarded to synthetic actors .
30 ‘ Naturally , we are delighted with Johnny 's football success , particularly in the Irish Cup , but we could be doing with him at Lurgan , ’ said skipper Ross McCollum .
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