Example sentences of "we could [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But in theory you could do posters here at Mansfield and you could send out , we could print them in colour for you
2 We could print it in the parish magazine . ’
3 If we could shrink ourselves to the atomic scale , we would see almost endless rows of atoms , stretching to the horizon in straight lines — galleries of geometric repetition .
4 This provided us with an opportunity to investigate the whales to see if we could discover anything about them that might explain why they had beached themselves .
5 ft informed us that he was leaving Salamanca for England on his motor bike , via Cherbourg , and that we could expect him in Bath on a certain day .
6 I 'm not sure sure how we could build it into the criteria of But it 's it 's a point which would obviously have to be borne in mind in terms of the str you know , the planning process .
7 It would be very useful if we could trap all this data and stuff it into a file , then we could study it at our leisure .
8 We could beat her to this one …
9 We could beat them into submission , but if you spend time with them , and you are real gentle with them , find out what they like scratched maybe , then it 's a cinch .
10 The women 's group 's orientation was towards action : ‘ There was no way we could beat them in the courts .
11 ‘ A ’ were with dressable wounds for the medical wards , ‘ B ’ were for the theatre , as they had wounds needing operative treatment , ‘ C ’ were for as much morphia as we could give them for a quiet inevitable death , ‘ D ’ were corpses .
12 if anybody can sort of if you write in English , maybe could send it to you , could get it translated at the Stortford , oh that might be very useful , erm , I mean , I 'll certainly do some letters and if anybody else wants to , if they let me know I 'll let them have the addresses for them , erm , there are fax as well and that suppose to be a quicker way than writing a letter actually than send through a fax , right , erm , if anybody can then we could send them to you and , and ask you to send it on , and we would sort of postage , would be covered would it Margaret ?
13 We could send them on their way with the odd arrow , maybe .
14 If anyone can add verses or even the inbetween bits then maybe we could send it onto the square ball or summit : - ) )
15 We had to organise it so that we could move it on a Saturday night from Manchester to Oxford and get it ready for a full orchestra , circus , and technical rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon .
16 ‘ I can hardly wait , ’ he said drily , ‘ but perhaps we could leave it for a couple of years ? ’
17 I was angry as hell at the time and disappointed , too , for this was a strongly Labour-controlled council , but looking back now I realize that this was the best thing that could have happened to the group , for now we could present ourselves to the people of Rotherham as a genuine minority with a grievance .
18 If only we could fix it for you , Ted …
19 If we could taking it for her it 'd be worth it .
20 He was reasonable and serious ‘ We could do nothing for you .
21 But we could do nothing with that English nose of yours .
22 But perhaps we could do something about it .
23 We could do exactly the same with sport , like we could do it with art and theatre and music and , and a hell of a lot of other things , but it 's unfortunately a part of our national political tradition that a large number of us feel some reluctance about doing this .
24 We could do it on the National Health .
25 He wants he 'll send us a er a rough erm sponsorship form cos I said we could do it on the computer you know , the
26 I would like us , no if we could do it to quarter to two , then I 'd be very pleased , item M could be put on , put on the top
27 I told them that at one we 'd be going away on another job cos we 'd got another job booked in , but in fact I reorganized everything so that in fact we could do it for them .
28 No we could , we could do it for all jobs cos
29 we could do it for all jobs , and see , that 's what I saying , I mean , we 've got
30 I du n no how we could do it before Friday , not unless erm
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