Example sentences of "we [am/are] [verb] with a " in BNC.

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1 Again we are faced with a shift in cultural values .
2 On our first call , from a dreadlocked Rastaman , we are faced with a clapped-out Mini Clubman .
3 At a time when Europe is moving ever closer towards economic union we are faced with a stark choice of either improving our economic performance or watching the UK become a marginalised and minor economic player .
4 We are faced with a fund of conflicting speculations .
5 In turning to trusts we are faced with a similar problem , and similarly desperate evidence .
6 ‘ Well gentlemen , ’ he said , ‘ we are faced with a very grave situation .
7 There are four fairly essential bits of information to consider when we are faced with a decision requiring forgiveness :
8 But nowadays not everyone is so ready to accept such divisions as unalterable , and if one holds the not unreasonable belief that the existence of wealth is one cause of poverty , then clearly we are faced with a more difficult choice : either to tolerate the existence of both wealth and poverty , or to aim at abolishing poverty , in which case we have no option but to attack wealth .
9 But here we are faced with a dilemma .
10 But we are faced with a cultural problem where descriptive work goes unrewarded , and systematics and taxonomy are often treated as one .
11 So we are faced with a fundamental problem .
12 Community educators in particular would argue that we are faced with a crisis of a similar magnitude — a crisis in social , economic and political structures and a ‘ cultural ’ upheaval like the one in the early nineteenth century outlined by Johnson .
13 They make good the severe limitations on the hesitation system , which can take us only so far when we are faced with a problem of word retrieval .
14 Just when we thought it was safe to dip a toe into the poll tax water , we are faced with a poll tax mark II .
15 We are faced with a Government who are determined to get the Bill on to the statute book before an election .
16 We are faced with a moral choice : do we allow our youngsters to be exploited ?
17 As on so many occasions when we discuss matters in the House , we are faced with a conflict between principles , each of which is important , and with the question of how properly to resolve such a conflict .
18 We are faced with a backlog of £3.5 billion of school repairs .
19 We are faced with a number of choices , Master , ’ I replied .
20 There is no future in raising subscriptions to a point where we are faced with a genuine reluctance , and in some cases a real inability , to pay .
21 The British legal system is already in a bit of a sorry state but this is only part of the story because we are faced with a creaking Government bureaucracy that has often been shown by the Higher Courts to be acting in an illegal and unfair manner .
22 So , in the new birth we are born with a nature of our , of our father , our heavenly father the , God himself .
23 If we are to continue with a system of grants for specific operations on the land we must ask ourselves whether , in many crofting areas , we would not get better land use , and a greater benefit to the nation , if we grant-aided amenity planting on the in-bye land to improve the appearance of the villages .
24 That we are dealing with a privileged élite goes without saying ; as also that it depended on the institution of domestic service .
25 Nevertheless in Ezra we are dealing with a creative artist who never — however impatient he was — sold his birthright for a mess of pottage .
26 If we are dealing with a ‘ suburban tomb ’ , then the word suburban suggests , though it need not mean , the life of the modern city .
27 Making the confederacy a ‘ stage ’ is therefore highly misleading since this gives the impression that we are dealing with a recurrent phenomenon .
28 If so , we are dealing with a more Quixotic , romantic or principled figure than some of us used to think .
29 … naive social realism in a minor key … a potentially crippling form … it still remains the case that present-day discussion of British fiction is strongly influenced by a widely-held conviction that we are dealing with a literature in decline .
30 It can be seen , then , that we are dealing with a condition that is some two or three times as common as gonorrhoea , for which an organism is implicated and can be grown in perhaps 50 per cent of cases ; and yet there are no facilities , generally , for its isolation .
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