Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The intellect merely helps us choose the means by which we may best achieve ends dictated by our instincts .
2 Whilst it is our preference to generate fees for the provision of professional advice on a transaction we may also generate fees for a brokerage transaction .
3 We may therefore imagine performances centring , as the Dionysiac mysteries did , on his dismemberment by the Titans and his hoped-for rebirth , which would be presaged in the worshippers ' songs of triumph .
4 We may roughly classify problems connected with fishing industries as those which are affected by very quick changes , such as uncertainties of the weather ; or by changes of moderate length , such as the increased demand for fish caused by the scarcity of meat during the year or two following a cattle plague . [ … ]
5 Assuming , we may now substitute equations ( 5A.6 ) and ( 5A.7 ) into ( 5A.4 ) , and hence .
6 When we look at what the centre of the political spectrum ( if we may so classify Liberals , SDP and Liberal Democrats ) mean by citizenship and its implications , we discover different emphases in its constituent parts from the Conservative formula .
7 None of this is to deny that we may often regard doctors ' claims to special privilege with some cynicism and distrust .
8 We should instead create opportunities which encourage them to seek that information .
9 We should use narrative and dramatic tension to structure our work in such a way that it draws the children in , but we should also create opportunities to teach about narrative .
10 Listening to fellow colleagues , patients and relatives is an important skill , but we should also teach nurses to be aware of what the patient or relative does not say .
11 We should also address issues such as our abort fees or minimum costs or indeed a retainer .
12 But there is no reason why we should not tell stories of English boys who leave the village and make good in the city — why rural drama should not be found and filmed among the mountains of Wales and moors of Yorkshire .
13 Nor that we should not form opinions or make evaluations .
14 But it can be argued that we should not view rights in this way , and that when their use has adverse effects on third parties , rights should not be treated as signifying a moral entitlement in the right-holder to bring about those effects .
15 The ‘ meaning ’ of the symbols in any information technology is arbitrary , and there is no reason why we should not assign combinations , say triplets , from DNA 's 4-letter alphabet , to letters of our own 26-letter alphabet ( there would be room for all the upper and lower-case letters with 12 punctuation characters ) .
16 The imagination must be fed ; we should not expect children to go on drawing from imagination or memory without directing his attention to the things he does and sees , and tries to imagine .
17 The concern of civil libertarians , that we should not do things to or about old people which run counter to their wishes , is entirely legitimate .
18 Ideally , we should not need others to point this out to us , but be alert to our own capabilities and ready to use them in another context .
19 The Old Age religions teach that we should not have desires , that we should simply accept whatever happens as God 's will .
20 Even the rules of social politeness , which suggest that we should not burden others with our problems , will lead us all to respond to enquiries after our health with an automatic ‘ Very well , thank you ’ when often we may be feeling poorly or even downright miserable .
21 But in recognizing the role of one ancillary , we should not overlook others .
22 If it has , do you worry about what deal it is , as long as these three men are released , or do you say we should n't do deals with people like Saddam ?
23 Because we find ourselves concentrating mainly on human rights , we should n't knock others who are working on other tasks which are also essential .
24 Although erm his second idea second way of limiting the possibilities on is rather more difficult to accept now and his claim is that we should n't pay members of parliament , that people who go to parliament ought to be doing it out of duty and not out of er interest .
25 ‘ Is there some reason why we should n't have minds of our own ? ’ she demanded sharply .
26 Yeah , it 's the , it 's the with the word natural is n't it that er you know people often use the word natural to mean good and right and therefore something you should do , but of course no not always I mean if I said to you death is natural , nobody here would think I was advocating suicide or that er we should n't have hospitals to try and save people 's lives I mean er when you say death is natural , what you mean is death is one of those things that we just have to put up with , we 'd rather we did n't but we 're all gon na have to face it in the end , some of us sooner than others er but erm but there we are .
27 We should n't adopt stands that we try this now and try something else next time round , which I believe is what the C E C is recommending .
28 ‘ You 've always said , my dear Kit , that we should n't play pirates on the high seas any longer .
29 We should therefore see shields on their own as aniconic representations of the deity ; the shield motif in the frescoes at Knossos is a religious , not a military , symbol .
30 Notable among these is the fact that the mismatch of range is even greater than in the case of the prenominal adjectives ; it is true that one can usually expand a postnominal adjective to a relative clause containing be , though we should certainly note cases like : ( 31 ) he is dreaming of the whisky which will be galore with her arms which were akimbo she stared at Victor food which is aplenty is on sale in the end tent however , there is not the slightest difficulty about producing numerous examples where the relative clause with be is fully satisfactory but can not be reduced to a grammatical postnominal adjective .
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