Example sentences of "we [vb base] to do [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How about a statement of what we intend to do this week ,
2 number six er what this is basically saying is we want to do two point history structural maintenance erm fire drill but anything that 's been taken out of this budget in that area , we should replace by from that .
3 Most of that will go on delivering the programmes er and most of that is existing funding and so we 're going to have to use a lot of it on that , but we want to do new things as well .
4 What we want to do this morning is erm tt talk a little bit to you about er the quality system and the I S O Nine Thousand procedures and er documented er systems , which have been developed so far within the whole group .
5 This enabled the eldership to start thinking about what we want to do next year to grow together .
6 ‘ It promises to be an occasion full of nostalgia , ’ adds Bernie Mullan , ‘ We want to do these men proud .
7 So it seems to me first of all that we should maintain a state of military preparedness , not because the Soviet Union is likely to attack us , but , simply because it represents this huge area of instability on our Eastern Frontiers , but I think also we should be more positive , I do n't think we want to do secret deals in C I A style , er , in fact I think we want the maximum of open diplomacy .
8 Ninagawa explained : ‘ We have done classic tragedy with new eyes — now we have to do Japanese classics with new eyes . ’
9 We have to do some pre-planning with those people , so that they know what their jobs are , how the systems are going to work , what the priorities are .
10 ‘ What we have to do this time is to maintain that atmosphere , produce another good performance against Turkey and this time get the result we deserved against Norway .
11 We have to do three hours in the afternoon , to make up the six I 'm contracted to do .
12 We need to do more work at grass-roots level — possibly , we have been a bit lazy in that respect . ’
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