Example sentences of "we [vb base] and [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Can not concede that it had been possible and neither will shift in how we communicate and view the place of the Royals in our society and what the are and how those P R shifts a phrase in terms of let's make ourselves more public , let's make ourselves more accessible , have resulted in that because their very their very accessibility is the those kind of radio programmes to happen .
2 How we develop and support the village-based systems is an issue to look into critically .
3 As herds of humans dressed as cows ( at least , that 's what our eyes told us ) wander up and down Bleecker Street , we slump and watch The Shams , three women dressed as men , play an acoustic set which publicised their sexual fantasies .
4 If we are to ensure that we preserve and protect the quality of life in the urban environment , we must recognise the need for a change in the code of compensation and the circumstances and amount in which it is given .
5 In the Lower Primary we welcome and introduce the children to school life in a relaxed , happy and yet well-disciplined environment .
6 And as we wait and watch the findings are very much those of Paul in Bristol , that a great deal of these patients get better , and only very few fall into problems .
7 But now the situation is that if , er we stop and ask the way somebody very few people will stop and say it .
8 At Fobney the light has gone so we stop and fit the torch and then plough on once more .
9 We support and accept the good sense of increasing sentences for offences that are worse than taking and driving away and of extending the deterrent of disqualification where personal injury and damage occurs , but it is quite another thing for someone to be guilty of additional offences that he does not commit , to which he is not a party and which he might not have foreseen as the likely consequences of his taking and driving away .
10 So yes we prioritize and summarize the needs .
11 It 's no good having an in-depth knowledge of how to produce perfect aquarium conditions , if we mix and match the wrong fish .
12 Section 2 below outlines the class of models we consider and examines the properties of the game when the type is common knowledge .
13 As autonomous actors we create and modify the social world , bringing about events and states of affairs which would not otherwise have occurred .
14 Like the daughters of Israel , we remember and mourn the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite .
15 In the remainder of the book we survey and discuss the findings of the literature relating to the comparison of national industrial relations systems and their particular aspects in terms of an analysis of the major actors and their organisations together with their activities and interactions .
16 We wake and watch the sun make bright
17 I noticed that this did not feature in their party political broadcast , wrongly entitled ’ Made in Britain ’ and alleging that virtually nothing was made in Britain , when we not only have the successes mentioned by my hon. Friend the Member for Bury , South ( Mr. Sumberg ) in his constituency but export far more television sets than we import and make the best hi-fi in the world , and when one in ten personal computers sold in the world are made in this country — in Scotland .
18 I do n't mean to suggest that such things as scientific monitoring or the use of dowsing rods are inappropriate at ancient sites : rather that we should as far as possible leave our preconceptions behind as we approach and allow the site if it wishes , to speak to us .
19 to care for the local communities in which we operate and ensure the highest level of performance in protecting the environment ;
20 yeah and that 's the problem with this sort of whatever sort of watch you wanted to do , unless unless we encourage and get the backing of the troops on the ground we 're kicking ourselves in the teeth
21 We all turned up to see the mighty Linfield toss Bangor aside and we go and spoil the party .
22 She is most strict on where we go and limits the number of our visitors .
23 We ge , we go and mow the lawn .
24 When we go and buy the corn and er goat mix ?
25 We adapt and cultivate the local talents and craft these skills , to meld the artisan and his world , so that they mix and flow with ours .
26 So if we try and tackle the staff appraisal , at least
27 We go out every single Saturday , weekdays if we can , and we try and stop the stop the fo , hounds killing the foxes
28 We try and bring the voluntary sector together to discuss areas of common concern , and a major event in April was training for employment nineteen eighty-nine .
29 ‘ WE 'LL GET STUFFED if we try and play the game by their rules , because they 're better at it than us .
30 To help get this message across the Come & See Programme is designed to allow us to be frank and open about what we do and to allow the public to hear the true story behind nuclear power .
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