Example sentences of "we [vb base] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 So far as Trading Standards is concerned Chairman , the major income are weights and measures testing fees and they are set down by LACOTS , that 's Local Authority Courts on Trad on Trading Standards on er , an agreed scale , so we charge exactly the same as other authorities , for the same , for the same work , and we increase the fees every year , er , in line with erm , the recommendation .
2 In the following section we describe how the same forces are at work in the market for data processing staff , on which we focused most of our case studies of agency working .
3 Now can I er also suggest to you that in discussing this one outstanding item of the housing land allocations , we pursue virtually the same sort of approach that we did yesterday , er and in fact if you look at what is set down under matter One D for discussion , it says is the provision proposed for the Greater York area including the new settlement appropriate etcetera , and in fact when you look at the first item for discussion under the Greater York new settlement issue , we come straight into , does Greater York new settlement represent an appropriate and justified policy response , etcetera .
4 We set out the same night for Bug Bug , but failed to make our objective owing to the bad nature of the ground for the vehicles .
5 We discuss here the same problem as that in §2.10.2 , but vary the treatment .
6 We feel exactly the same way .
7 The logic of the exercise becomes apparent when we observe how the same behavioural detail is used in different ritual contexts .
8 When we die the work stops , the temperature differential starts to disappear , and we end up the same temperature as our surroundings .
9 When they 're playing their game we do exactly the same to them .
10 We do exactly the same mapping our input pattern onto our tuples .
11 erm As far as we 're concerned , we do much the same I suppose as , as the housewife does in her kitchen .
12 We follow along the same lines as the department of paintings and the result will be a collection of sculpture … . enjoyable to view ’ , Curator-in-Chief Mr Gaborit said .
13 We have exactly the same option to join a single currency at the same time as other member states if we wish .
14 He compares war in modern circumstances with a plague , and tries to make us see that we have exactly the same universal common interest in transcending military conflict that we have in getting plague under control , and that it 's necessary to use all our intelligence and imagination to break the millennial connection of intersocial change with war , and then he goes on to make practical proposals .
15 Luckily we have much the same tastes in television .
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