Example sentences of "we [vb base] [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are obviously still concerned that there allegations of pushing drugs and we intend to monitor closely any future raves at the Ulster hall . ’
2 In this section we intend to explain how such policies involve the relationship between objectives , targets , and instruments .
3 Heading for our connection , a brief glimpse of the sleek city more than justified the time we intend to spend there next week .
4 I also enclose a copy of the relevant page from the address list of national sports contacts which we intend to publish again next month .
5 We intend to carry forward this move towards greater openness .
6 We in government have a duty to ensure that local responsibility is not abused , and we intend to carry out that duty .
7 I know there are lots of wonderful small Italian restaurants dotted around London but as we intend to invite around 100 guests , we are having trouble finding a venue large enough .
8 Part of the problem is that most of us do n't know very much about mental illness and we tend to see very negative images around us and on television .
9 Mechanisms to excrete an appropriate quantity of the water we drink , for instance ; otherwise , since we tend to drink so much more than we require , we would eventually burst .
10 This , however , assumes that because we tend to process more semantic knowledge than non-semantic knowledge , it therefore follows that semantic processing is equivalent to making use of previous knowledge to interpret presented stimuli in a meaningful fashion .
11 I think that we 're talking about different spheres of television , and within academia , of course , we tend to separate out these spheres .
12 We tend to have very large families and very good record systems .
13 If we buy half a pound we tend to eat either half a pound — or half that quantity .
14 I think we tend to eat much faster , if you like , and , and to take more snacks , and I think it 's interesting that the rise of the use of a coffee table ties in a lot with the rise of people having televisions in their front rooms , because introducing the television made all kinds of changes into , just the way people arrange their chairs , not centring them round the fire any more , and a coffee table 's a very neat addition to that kind of arrangement .
15 Our problem is that we tend to eat too much of some nutrients and not enough of others .
16 It seems strange that , when we arrive in the Garden of Eden , the only humans we encounter seem so distant to us .
17 ‘ Fintan is a clever , sharp player and I feel he will have a much greater influence at Breifne Park , ’ states Carroll , ‘ Besides , we expect to have even bigger support there and that should be an additional bonus . ’
18 We want to move forward this week , this season , and next season .
19 Because we want to take as many voluntary redundancies and early retirements as possible , and with employee turnover still at a relatively high six per cent per year , we can not say at present just where and when the jobs will go .
20 We want to see both occupational and personal provision expand much further in the course of the 1990s .
21 We want to see more dual use of school playing fields and halls and will give schools more freedom in their management .
22 We want to do as much as we can while we have a contact over there . ’
23 We want to stay happily married . ’
24 And we want to know how far is it between Carlisle and Glasgow , between Manchester and Glasgow and between Euston and Glasgow .
25 We want to free as much money for programmes as we can . ’
26 IF we want to understand how later life was in the past through direct experience , we have three possible sources .
27 Well we 'll have to consider that along with land Messrs , cos we think it 's a brilliant site with good road access and we want to work very hard with the people that put the deal together .
28 ‘ Thus our membership varies from a 17-year-old to a retired company director and we want to attract even more employees to join our ranks . ’
29 We want to grow internally first .
30 We want to get really festive about this , so answers on a Christmas card only please , to the following address .
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