Example sentences of "we [vb past] [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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1 We crept down into the hall , through the kitchen and out by a small postern door .
2 We tumbled down into the hole like so many Alices and gazed in wonder around us .
3 And as we got up into the classes we also had a woodwork er centre , and metal shop there .
4 When we got out into the open sea beyond the fiord , we began to see more auks , mainly Brüinnich 's guillemots and little auks , and a lot more fulmar flying around .
5 Disconsolately , we got back into the rickshaws and set off to the next address .
6 Gratefully or guiltily , we plunged back into the present with its reassuring calendar of events from Wembley to Wimbledon , from Lord 's to Twickenham , from Ascot to ‘ The Open ’ .
7 There we watched the rout of the dive-bombers , but the shrapnel pattered down again , and we drew back into the doorway .
8 After a most welcome visit to the Orchard Room we headed off into the dusk for the night stage to Birmingham .
9 However nerves and hangover were soon forgotten as we headed out into the middle of the river and the adrenaline started pumping .
10 We wandered back into the freezing bailey .
11 We staggered out into the Madrid evening ‘ full of piss and vinegar ’ , as Dana said later , and somehow made our way to the Puerta del Sol , where there is a large circular fountain .
12 When we spilled out into the street a few minutes later , it was in a kind of glow .
13 In spite of our scepticism , to our relief the first boat in that area to be investigated proved to match the photograph and we slunk off into the night , doused our lights , and prepared to follow her at a safe distance .
14 Then , on the second day , we dropped down into the lowest part of the crater to reach the hot springs .
15 Finally we drove up into the Moqqatam Hills whose wide boulevards were mercifully empty .
16 ‘ Oh , Fernando , do you remember that afternoon we drove out into the country and that drunken peasant fell off his mule , right in front of the car ?
17 Then we turned off into the heart of the plain at Ponte Taro , a small hamlet , for the final stage of our journey .
18 We climbed down into the massive hole to get a closer look .
19 We walked up into the Heath
20 At mid-day we walked up into the Etançons valley .
21 When lunch was ready , we walked through into the dining room .
22 He puts himself in good light by adding that he gripped me tightly round the shoulders in reassurance , that he gave me brandy , that we talked long after the starlings had ceased their chatter , that we walked down into the street and discussed in jogging stride what guilt or shame or desire could do to the human soul .
23 We walked out into the sun together and across to the school hall .
24 I did n't 'ave all this handed on a plate , ’ he said as we walked out into the backyard .
25 Then we walked out into the stadium .
26 He looked at her proudly then they turned and we walked out into the crowd .
27 We walked out into the dark street .
28 We walked out into the doldrums of early evening .
29 After a witnessing session in which everyone opened their hearts and emerged exalted we walked out into the night and began to neck .
30 We walked out into the square and on towards Yardarm Street and Commercial Road without looking back .
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