Example sentences of "we [adv] have the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 We already have the best Post Office in the European Community .
2 His comments were seized by Mr Blair , who said : ‘ In this region , we still have the highest level of unemployment than any other region in the country . ’
3 We also have the latest in up-to-date technology — the TV set in the corner , which has a twin BBC-ITV facility , and , of course , a number of lights that can be turned on or off at the flick of a switch .
4 We probably have the best field operatives in the world .
5 The down side is that we probably have the toughest Xmas/New Year you could image ( excluding Crewe ! ! ) .
6 I say in particular our union because everyone here knows we probably have the largest and best training programme of any other union in Britain today .
7 The British do not have the best reputation for language skills , in fact , we probably have the worst .
8 We now have the toughest sanctions in Western Europe against drug traffickers .
9 We now have the toughest set of controls on animal experimentation in Europe , and the number of animals used in experiments has fallen steadily .
10 When my right hon. Friend does so , will he tell my constituents that there has been a record reduction in the number of strikes and that we now have the best figures for decades ?
11 We now have the largest investment programme of capital investment in the national health service that we have ever had .
12 A succession of Conservative Home Secretaries have ensured that we now have the largest prison building programme this century , with nine prisons built and 4,000 places provided , and 12 new prisons on the way .
13 We now have the lowest rates in Europe and rock bottom inflation .
14 ‘ With two Dutch teams and the Germans in the other group , we certainly have the best of the draw , ’ said Keith Rowe , the Hounslow manager .
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