Example sentences of "we [adv] [vb infin] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Could n't we rather pick the one tune and the other ?
2 Should we all do the same questions ?
3 Ca n't we just do a premium holiday on them ?
4 So my answer to the question A is , I am not against a new settlement , of the right scale in the right location , but it is not a panacea , it is not an answer to all the questions , now it 's being offered in terms of a balanced strategy , I say that balanced strategy as put forward does not work , certainly beyond two thousand and six , and may grind to a halt well before two thousand and six if rates of development proceed er as they have done in certain years in the past , so it 's very important to look at that , can we just revisit the public acceptance of the new settlement , of course the public have accepted it and welcomed it , it has certain attractions , I support those attractions , however it 's easy for the public to accept that when measured against certain sites specific proposals that were put to them when they did not know where the new settlement would be , and still do not know , when new settlement locations are put forward it will be quite a different scenario .
5 Well could n't we just have a few things
6 If we ask , how do we best train the next Archbishop of Canterbury , which see is better ?
7 For musicians , the lure of the West must be strong , and for reasons as understandable as basic working conditions and standard of living , but as a result we stand at a crossroads : how can we possibly avoid the continuing standardization of orchestral , instrumental and vocal production , and continue to have the opportunity of hearing music played in a style and tradition for which it was probably originally conceived .
8 Could we possibly have a quick look inside ?
9 And I think the , the erm , the jobs which are elected are the Chair Person and , do we still have a Vice Chair Person ? are you still Vice Chair Person ?
10 But as you look at it nowadays you can see if they were going back to these days would we still have the same interest .
11 That 's right , I mean why di why have we got the structure of agriculture as we have , you know why why do we still have an atomistical industry right , it 's not just a , a freak of nature , there are economic laws , erm , and opinion that s , that structure the industry and it 's because you just do n't get economies of scale staying in agriculture .
12 ‘ The big question is — will we ever reach the Swiss border ? ’
13 Which is more important and can we clearly identify the key variable ?
14 Flying past at 400 feet , not only could we positively identify the big de Havilland gleaming in the winter sunlight , but we could also read its appropriate registration , G-DHCB .
15 Do we really want the Gaelic programme fund spent on copies of Scots-English programmes ?
16 Now , can we please have a few more bands that intend to be this good ?
17 Only through the rich utilization of this concept can we fully honor the human-worth value ’ ( p. 8 ) .
18 Right did we actually do the susceptible babies ?
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