Example sentences of "we [be] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So we did n't buy very , little utility furniture , the only utility furniture we 've got is , it used to be a bedroom suite up in that second bedroom , we 've still got the bed of that , that was utility , but had we been in the market we would of bought utility because it was very good , some of it was really good if you looked around and erm , you know , choose your furniture , it was very good
2 When we have allowed this state to dominate us we are in the state of apathy .
3 We are in the company of a great assassin .
4 But King Voukashan said , " We are in the fairy 's power .
5 It is only if we are in the grip of a mistaken conception of truth that the mere possibility of a belief being mistaken carries with it the threat of scepticism ; it is an indication that the sceptic 's conception of truth is not ours that his arguments do not prompt an epistemic crisis .
6 This is obviously not always an easy thing to do , especially if we are in the darkness of suffering .
7 Again to quote Mailer 's old Harlot essay : ‘ Facts are wiped out by artifacts ; proof enters the logic of counterproof and we are in the dream ; matter breathes next to anti-matter . ’
8 Knowing where we are in the way in which we are tricked into believing that erm our churches now are weaker than when they were founded and probably most of you , many of you have heard my children 's prayer .
9 Does n't that just show how fair and disinterested we are in the Comp Complex ?
10 It 's not unusual on girls ' weekends or at women workers ' conferences for them to be demonstrative with each other , or with the young women , while we remain caught in the straight-jacket of frigidity while we are in the public eye .
11 We got a bad performance out of our system and now we are in the mood to show what we can really do . ’
12 We are in the course of giving H R T.
13 In terms , of sort of where we are in the course , we spent yesterday having a look at , and yes this morning , having a look at planning for England .
14 His response is to try to see clearly what we are in the scale of things :
15 No it 's alright I I just thought it helps me and the jury to know what where we are in the evidence .
16 We are in the church ! ’ called back the congregation .
17 ‘ It 's easier to walk along outside while we are in the station , ’ he explained .
18 We are in the back of a hearse .
19 We are in the run-up to a general election and every figure that the Secretary of State has produced today has been carefully worked out and planted among Conservative Back-Bench Members as a publicity stunt , just like the patients charter .
20 Yet , how well we listen communicates how interested we are in the relationship .
21 SINCE we are in the middle of the International Coffee Organisation meeting -how do they pass a week without a visible result ? — I thought it appropriate to think about tea .
22 ‘ If we are in the middle of a broad , flat valley , our mathematical models work well , ’ says Whitman .
23 We are in the middle of a small Shaw revival , with recent productions of Caesar and Cleopatra , The Philanderer , and now Heartbreak House at the Theatre Royal , Haymarket , and Pygmalion at the National Theatre .
24 Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that we are in the middle of the media silly-season , a time when papers and TV news bulletins are full of doom-laden Christmas tales .
25 I know we are in the middle of a recession , but surely there is still room for compassion .
26 BETHLEHEM is on the east of the Orange Free State ; it is farming country and Bethlehem as ‘ house of bread ’ has some meaning here — we are in the middle of wheat and maize growing areas , though the maize crop is ruined by drought .
27 SOCCER : Harwich and Parkeston manager Martin Head is currently thinking over his future with the Jewson League club , which suggests he will have left by the start of next season.Head says , ‘ Both the club and myself are looking to next season and we are in the middle of talks .
28 While Deutsche Bundespost Telekom views its joint venture with France Telecom , Eunetcom , as the ‘ foundation for our world activity , we think it is necessary to have a partner from the US and from the Pacific Basin , ’ said Dieter Gallist , a member of the board of management for Telekom at the Networked Economy Conference in Paris : ‘ We are in the middle of discussions so I wo n't say any more , however , ’ he added ; Gallist added later that Bundespost Telekom is also ‘ looking strongly in the direction of software alliances . ’
29 As for any impending agreement with Mitsubishi , she said , ‘ We are in the middle of negotiations , but nothing has been concluded yet . ’
30 We are in the middle of a strategic information revolution where the value of information is recognised ’ .
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