Example sentences of "we [be] [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , a quantum theory of gravity is essential if we are to describe the early universe and then give some explanation for the initial conditions beyond merely appealing to the anthropic principle .
2 Does the Secretary of State accept that urgent action is needed in the west midlands if we are to halt the worst fall in manufacturing investment in history ?
3 Hence if we are to form a constitutive relation for the material of the rod it must not contain the dimensions . )
4 If we are to reach the tens of millions in our nation and the tens of thousands in our communities , how are we to do it if not through church planting ?
5 And I think it is , we would all agree , that it is essential that an agreement which is acceptable to all sides is reached , and I 'm sure that it 's going to be because let us not forget that we 're not in business to remain in perpetual opposition if we are to achieve proper rights for employees , which have been so reduced by the Conservatives if we are to save the welfare state , which is now so under threat if we are to obtain decent health and education services , which are also under threat if we are to create a strong economy and a strong recovery which provides the jobs which we so desperately need then we must win power !
6 ‘ However , ’ he continued smoothly , not giving Rachel a chance to say anything , ‘ if we are to create a harmonious atmosphere , not only for ourselves but for everyone else on this unit , then I think we have to agree not to discuss the past .
7 Mr Hughes , MEP for Durham , said : ‘ Events of this sort are essential if we are to reverse the growing tide of racism and fascism sweeping Europe .
8 We are to hold a fourth meeting this evening , ’ Fatah central committee member Hakam Balawi said .
9 However , the main reason for mentioning it in this methodological discussion is to show how subtle and fine-grained our analysis must be if we are to give an adequate account of the function of language variation in close-tie communities .
10 It is vitally important , if we are to improve the mathematical attainment of our society , that the educational purposes of formative and diagnostic assessment , which seek to improve the teaching , take precedence over the monitoring and evaluative purposes , which at best merely seek to describe .
11 If we are to continue the high levels of payment to those affected by restructuring , the Bill is essential .
12 If we are to connect the small towns and other settlements which were provided with fortifications with the needs of provincial administration , then they should contain buildings identifiable as either the residences and offices of the local officials , or granaries and stores-buildings for the collection and security of taxes in kind .
13 ‘ Here we are to spend a merry right , are we not , Thomas ? ’ shouted Gwendolen in a high penetrating voice , to the intense interest of those not quite so well acquainted with Dickens 's letters .
14 We gladly accept all these rightful strictures and if we are to enjoy the same success with councils we have to accept their bye-laws , too .
15 For example , if we are to see a major confluence of the world 's financial markets , we need to have prepared our financial structure and planning in good time to take advantage of such changes .
16 Whatever the outcome of the Higginson Committee 's inquiry may be , if we are to see a radical improvement in secondary education , we must learn to think not merely of a new form of examination ( and therefore presumably a novel kind of syllabus that will lead to it ) but of a wholly new approach to those studies that we wish to retain in the sixth forms at school , and how these studies are to relate to the pupils ' next step , when they leave school .
17 We may define a social movement , in broad terms , as a collective endeavour to promote or resist change in the society of which it forms part ; l but this statement needs to be qualified in some way if we are to retain a clear distinction between a ‘ movement ’ and a ‘ party ’ .
18 If we are to explore the actual and perceived experiences of students , it may be better to work from their views rather than to try to squeeze them into some predetermined mould through questionnaires and attitude Inventories .
19 If we are to have a leaner , meaner , keener regular Army , inevitably we shall need a good Territorial Army to support it .
20 So if we are to have a consistent regional planning framework , that should be weighed in the balance as to whether they 're taken into account in North Yorkshire .
21 That that 's how it it started , that 's why they were n't part of the force , is , police were part of a co community , and therefore to have respect for the police , seems to me quite vital if we are to have a real sense of of of justice and and fairness .
22 I have already pointed out that the third property is necessary if we are to have a complete theory without parameters .
23 Those practices must be brought to an end , and I know that my hon. Friends will strongly support the Government when we say that enough is enough and that if we are to have a compulsory competitive tendering regime , it must be one under which the private and public sectors are able to compete with absolute equality .
24 Will he encourage his right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer to understand that the company car is not a tax-avoidance weapon but an essential tool of British industry and that , if we are to have a strong home-based industry , we do not need taxes so high that Jaguar and Rolls-Royce lose money ?
25 If we are to have a serious debate , we can do without the barracking that passes as comment from the hon. Member for Dunfermline , West .
26 We know at least that we are to have a common centrally determined curriculum for maintained secondary schools .
27 We need to motivate young people , whatever their aptitude or ability , to acquire further qualifications if we are to have a competitive and well-motivated work force in the 1990s and the next century .
28 If we are to have a national common curriculum , a balance between its practical and theoretical elements must be aimed at , and the balance observed equally in all areas of learning .
29 If we are to have a true two-stage sample , i.e. a sampling scheme for the secondaries within the sampled primaries , we have to face the fact that the primary sampling units can contain very different numbers of secondary sampling units .
30 All three points should be in contact with the ground if we are to have the maximum stability , essential with such an inherently unstable structure .
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