Example sentences of "we [be] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If we are to point to government growth , then different conceptions of the term might lead to different measures of growth .
2 My car is clamped two hours before we are to leave for Holyhead , though lifted within the hour , after much persuasion and a torrid sobbing session at the clamping office .
3 We are to leave for Nottingham at first light . ’
4 But if we are to talk about pedagogy , individual effort must be referred to more general ideas , otherwise there is no way for experience to be communicated , no way in which others can derive benefit from the particular successes of the individual .
5 If we are to go beyond nihilism we shall have to devise a strategy to examine this .
6 The emphasis of Paul is clear , we are to go for quality both in our performance and in the way we conduct ourselves in the workplace .
7 After all , unless we can show that we are able to do better with the totality of the sums , and the totality of the business , why should any shareholder believe that we know better how to deal with his money if we are to invest in areas outside our particular expertise , than he can by individual investments ?
8 What sustains me in the search for a response to Gettier is the feeling that it may be possible to find an account of what knowledge is which will have a substantial effect on what we are to say about justification in later parts of this book .
9 Just as we might buy a new outfit , then take it home and change out of the old and into the new , so Paul likens the complete change needed if we are to live as followers of Christ .
10 We may need some conceptualization , some image , some words , if we are to speak of God ; but scarcely a picture of the universe and a history of humankind such as we have inherited in the Christian creeds .
11 We , KPMG Peat Marwick ( ‘ KPMG ’ ) write to confirm the arrangements whereby we are to make on behalf of [ Acquiring Client ] ( ‘ Client ’ ) an offer ( the ‘ Offer ’ ) for the issued share capital of Target plc ( ‘ Target ’ ) .
12 The avowed purpose of the public schools was to produce leaders , and if we are to understand by leaders rulers capable of extracting the voluntary compliance of the ruled , we must concede that they produced them .
13 However , we are then faced with the question of what we are to understand by autonomy .
14 Yes , there may be some waste in the Health Service , but I would suggest if we are to look for savings then start at the top .
15 This project is based on three premises : that more young economists , bound for industry , particularly consultancy , the civil service and the city , should have at least been apprenticed in research--hence , in part , the use of occasional research assistants rather than experienced professionals ; that applied economists should pay more attention to the views of non economists , and , in particular of practitioners in the fields they study , hence the emphasis on the flexibility required if we are to look at problems differently , or use different types of evidence ; and that more of us should build our models self consciously , with an eye to analytical convenience and ease of interpretation , considerations which would be less important were economics less inexact , since it might then make sense to seek the correct model , however difficult to analyse and understand .
16 This is not an excuse , but a fact of life and we need to improve our scrummage 200 per cent if we are to survive against England .
17 We must feel that the existing social arrangements allow for equal , or justifiably unequal , satisfaction of our other needs , if we are to believe in conformity .
18 ‘ Well , you 'll have to do something , ’ she answered sharply , ‘ unless we are to starve to death . ’
19 We all need to belong to a group of people who believe , if we are to grow in faith .
20 English was defined as including both language and literature and we were to take into account relevant aspects of drama , media studies , information technology and information handling .
21 English was defined as including both language and literature and we were to take into account relevant aspects of drama , media studies , information technology and information handling .
22 I put my name on the list with everyone else , but was absolutely dumbfounded when I was told one day that it had come up , along with that of one of the other Waafs , and if we wanted to go we were to report to RAF Wyton at 10.00 hours the next day .
23 We were to go on foot so as not to disturb the tranquillity .
24 They replied , ‘ Oh , but we were to go for drinks with Derek tonight . ’
25 The day came when we were to go to court to legalise the situation .
26 But I can remember once when I was at the school Mrs was our music teacher and we were to go from doh to far , you know doh to far , and they used to s , she used to say listen to Mabel , Mabel 's the only one one of you that can go from doh to far .
27 We were to go by sea .
28 We were to drive to Paris the long way , via cups of steaming chocolat on the quayside in Honfleur and a saucisson and baguette picnic on the back seat outside the Palace of Versailles : some motorway , some back roads , some Routes Nationales and then the Peripherique and Paris .
29 If we were to move from standstill to cutbacks , we would expect to see further changes in behaviour .
30 We were to jump in pairs .
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