Example sentences of "we [verb] that such [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We argued that such statements reflect the growing consensus nationally about what constitutes good practice in the teaching of English .
2 Second , if we accept that such adjectives , unlike predicate qualifiers , are genuinely equivalent to a modified clause in conjunction with the noun phrase which they follow , then it is entirely predictable that this construction will demand , as the preceding main verb , one which customarily supports a predication expressed in an explicit subordinate clause ; this will not , however , be demanded of the verb preceding a predicate qualifier .
3 In all cases except FEDV this criterion is satisfied since all other variables are dated t - 1 or earlier , and we assume that such variables are in agents ' information sets .
4 With forty years of hindsight , we know that such hopes for a ban on possession of the bomb were sadly misplaced .
5 High mortgages , the massive increase of families in bed-and-breakfast accommodation , a revised benefits ' system sweeping away school meals ' entitlements and heavily dependent on loans , the Poll Tax , cutbacks in family planning clinics , the introduction of loans in higher education , fare increases and timetable reductions on deregulated public transport — we know that such hardships bear more on women the less money they have .
6 Saburo Kato , who is head of the Environment Agency 's global warming department , said : " We believe that such targets can be met without significant economic impact " .
7 We support the Government 's promotion of recycling coastal land for uses which require a coastal location , but we feel that such developments as supermarkets that do not need coastal locations , should not be given them .
8 For two reasons , however , we feel that such exchanges were not an important confounding factor in our patients .
9 However , we feel that such measures as those being mooted would only lead to further problems .
10 But in general , we feel that such explanations need not be particularly powerful .
11 We speculate that such isoforms may well result in varied functional populations of tenascin .
12 We have not attempted a similar exercise for this Report : we felt that such samples needed very careful selection which would take time we could not afford , and that , unless samples were numerous and lengthy , they would inevitably illustrate only a few aspects .
13 We agree that such changes could theoretically cause some variation in determination of sperm concentration .
14 We think that such programmes will help to tackle the skill problems of this country .
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