Example sentences of "we [verb] [that] all [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We agreed that all pupils from the relevant classes would be involved and no pupils with potential behaviour problems would be excluded .
2 Indeed , we trust that all contributions will be judged not as predictions , but rather as means of analysing a complex and unpredictably changing sphere of social life .
3 Similarly , when we say that all biologists nowadays believe in Darwin 's theory , we do not mean that every biologist has , graven in his brain , an identical copy of the exact words of Charles Darwin himself .
4 We conclude that all women with documented moderate hyperprolactinaemia should be referred , through a specialist , for routine computed tomography ( or , where available , magnetic resonance imaging ) of the pituitary .
5 In it we reaffirmed that all disputes between states should be resolved peacefully in accordance with the provisions of the charter .
6 In the final section of Chapter 6 , we construct a simple model of inflation in which we assume that all prices are cost-plus prices .
7 To do this , we assume that all firms determine their prices by adding a profit margin to the cost of a unit of output .
8 We assume that all firms have identical cost conditions and , given the symmetry in the utility function , all firms in the industry have the same level of output .
9 Unless we assume that all individuals are the same then presumably we may all have different values and different perceptions of how to satisfy these values .
10 We know that names , we know that all names have to have capital letters .
11 We know that all numbers are either even or odd , and that a whole is equal to the sum of its parts .
12 ‘ I also tried to say that our unity was in the future when we believe that all things will be gathered together and completed in Christ and that therefore our policies of today have to reflect our longings for the future .
13 Although we believe that all birds and bats must have a common ancestor if we trace their lineages back far enough , that common ancestor was also the common ancestor of all mammals ( including ourselves ) and all birds .
14 Since we believe that all variations in behavioural capacity reflect underlying variations in the nervous system , we have to accept that the human brain is , in some way , different from that of other species .
15 We believe that all peoples need to have one day in the week which is different , and which provides an opportunity for varied forms of community life and activity .
16 We feel that all doctors or other qualified individuals seeing a myocardial infarction for the first time should consider thrombolytic therapy as early as possible so that the maximum amount of myocardium can be salvaged .
17 We decided that all children must be able to speak and write Standard English , when appropriate ( see next chapter ) .
18 As George and I were ‘ the guards ’ we saw that all children were supervised and that all passed muster on the way in .
19 We recommend that all Authorities should make possible and encourage enterprises of this kind .
20 These are some of the reasons why we recommend that all children should be given the opportunity to gain pleasure and critical awareness from the study of pre-twentieth-century English literature .
21 When we rationally see a connection between being a triangle , and having angles equal to two right angles , we see that all triangles must have angles like that .
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